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i think JKII topics only are implied once you look at the topic for Theed Hanger...


"Give the lightsaber a rest, let the force recharge, and discuss just about any topic of interest with your fellow Jedi in the Hangar.... (JKII or Non JKII topics allowed)"


To me that implies that JKII only topics in the Jedi Temple... but thats just my interpretation, so people could take it either way... if it isnt already, it should probably become a rule for JKII only topics here from now on.

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Guest Vagabond

The gathering place for only the finest Jedi in the Galaxy. General discussion arena for Jedi Knight II enthusiasts.


This is clear - general discussion about Jedi Knight II. Talking about the game Black & White is fine to discuss - in the Theed Hangar forum, which is why I moved your thread over there.

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Guest ZeroXcape

Mafia_Jabba: If ya don't mind, please don't type your posts in all CAPS. It's kinda annyoing :\


Also, the Jedi Temple description is: "The gathering place for only the finest Jedi in the Galaxy. General discussion arena for Jedi Knight II enthusiasts." It states Jedi Knight II; what more do you need?


Finally, if someone does by chance misplace their post, I don't think we need to start a new post to counter it ;)

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that was a SPELLINg error..not grammar btw..woops typed to fast..I was too frustrated..I GUESS I am just a


pedantic old bastard


but god I feel like an idiot for those messups lmao


=) hehehe..anyways..No the description is wrong..it says where JK II enthusiasts should meet..not where people should meet about JK II...


[ June 18, 2001: Message edited by: Mafia_Jabba ]

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dood, every time i see jabba's sig i get the urge to clean my gun. I *don't* clean it tho, that much cleaing wouldn't be good for it. And i have to keep it ready in case i ever see that underwear-placed-on-head-freak on the street. yes....keep...gun...rdy...



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guf4gawa! Dancin around in the wee hours of the night tryin to pervert our children to his wicken ways. Take that manson! We know you were behind the murders! And, that crappy, movie, whats it? evolution!


He's the spawn of Oralando Jones and David Duchovny!!!






Flea for you lives!





[ June 20, 2001: Message edited by: Lucky ]

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