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Why are YOU buying JK2???


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Agreed, but how cool would it be to wander round the Star Wars universe and get the good guys? You know, as a bounty hunter or an imperial commando.


Quite off the topic ed_silvergun, but I whole heartedly agree, wasnt half the fun of Tie fighter ( for those who have played it) being an Imperial pilot. Imagine being a bounty hunter and going into a seedy bar to look at a screen and choose the next mission that you were going to take, while at the same time paying and threatening bar flies for information, all in a FPS.

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Actually CaptainRAVE, I was talking about a toatally seperate FPS title based in SW universe, not changing JK2 to the view of a bounty hunter that would suck. It was just a reply to idea's as suggested by StormHammer and ed_silvergun. ;)

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Originally posted by ed_silvergun:



Agreed, but how cool would it be to wander round the Star Wars universe and get the good guys? You know, as a bounty hunter or an imperial commando.</STRONG>


Well, I think my point still stands. You see, from the point of view of the Bounty Hunters and the Imperials - they are the good guys, and the Rebels are the bad guys. ;) As an Imperial Officer, you don't automatically think, I am a bad guy hunting down the good Rebel Alliance. You would probably think that you are fighting for the good of the Empire, and eradicating the dirty Rebel scum who wish to overthrow your legitimate government. ;)

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Originally posted by Darth Lunatic:

<STRONG>Gonk, what exactly is your involvement at Lucasarts?</STRONG>


what do you mean? just coz i knew about jk2 about a month before the announcement and i knew it would be officially announced at e3, doesnt mean i have anything to do with LEC....




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I don't think that it's possible to give just one reason I'm buying Outcast because I don't have main reason. The reason that I am planning on buying Jedi Outcast is actually a combination of several. I'm buying it because it's a sequel to Jedi Knight(which I got because it was Star Wars), and I always play the sequels to the games that I've got. I'm also planning on buying it because it's supposed to have lots of interaction, such as NPC's and the ability to leave red-hot marks on anything the saber touches. My third reason is that the graphics are supposed to be great with the doubled ammount of polygon capacity of the Quake III Team Arena engine. The final reason I plan on buying JKII is because the outdoor areas are supposed to be expansive and stable. By 'stable' I mean that, as in JK and MotS, the canyon walls and other boundaries don't 'flicker' when moving towards them from a long distance.

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Guest Vagabond

StormHammer, I couldn't have said it better. From my acting studies, one of the first lessons we learned was that a villian doesn't wake up in the morning with the intention to be evil. As you said, a villian believes in his/her goals, and believes that the cause is right and just. Only a psychopath would intentionally be evil, and most people are not psychotic.

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To me a bounty hunter is not an evil character but a neutral one. That is IMO the best way to explore the SW universe. Through the eyes of a neutral character that has no loyalties with either the Empire or the Rebelion. The possibilities for someone like that are endless.

I know that we had many discussions about a game like that over at OWK.net but I have to say, this would make one amazing game. :)


And back on topic...do you really need to ask? It's Star wars, it's FPS, it's Jedi Knight 2. That says it all. :)

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I'm going to buy JK2 for several reasons:


1. I loved JK and DF.

2. I love to see Jedi style Star Wars action in an FPS (one of my favorite genres) in a non-arcade style format.

3. I prefer if such games are on the P.C.


These were the reasons why I was looking forward to Obi-Wan. Now, OW has violated all of those reasons. Some other reasons I want JK2 are the fully interactive environment, and the physics engine. I believe they've cut out both those features from OW now too. I just can't wait until JK2 comes out. :)

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