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what about this for sabering..?


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During the game you develop certain moves from a long list, but only a certain amount of them, and some of them can be used in combination. In multiplayer, let the server be able to set the max amount of moves like the max force powers in JK1. I wouldnt know how to control them all though. But that would be fun to develop certain moves, and have to practice them to master them all the way. Just a thought.

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expanding level proficiency in deathmatch? thats goin to make each player really different/UNIQUE in online play!


how about including hand to hand combat in too! :D


btw, diffent colors of sabers have different meanings right?! like blue for newbie or something similar?


/me going to read about lightsabers now! :D

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Blue saber for newbies? Obi-Wan had a blue saber! besides, if you ever read those star wars books where those trainees made their own lightsaber, the stone used in the construction effected the color, so I don't think it is really that important on the color side.

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Ceartain Moves For sabers would be cool, but remeber the saber move thing with the mouse they were incorparting into OBI wan?, well since thats on xbox and that stuipd thing dosn't come default with the mouse (means the game won't probably use the system) lucasarts has technology they could share with Raven and Use for Saber Slashes Thrusts ETC also the saber should Damage someone just bye it touching them, as it is A 4-5ft glowing blade of energy.

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]
Originally posted by [HDK]-NeJJa-:

<STRONG>During the game you develop certain moves from a long list, but only a certain amount of them, and some of them can be used in combination. In multiplayer, let the server be able to set the max amount of moves like the max force powers in JK1. I wouldnt know how to control them all though. But that would be fun to develop certain moves, and have to practice them to master them all the way. Just a thought.</STRONG>


Absolutely!!! I have been trying to think of

a way to make the saber more interesting, and you might have just hit on it. Personalized saber moves would not only make single player more interesting, but would also make MP far less random where skill counts more than blind luck. I hope LEC and Raven do something similar to this. That would really rock.

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Originally posted by Red_XIIII:

<STRONG>Ceartain Moves For sabers would be cool, but remeber the saber move thing with the mouse they were incorparting into OBI wan?, well since thats on xbox and that stuipd thing dosn't come default with the mouse (means the game won't probably use the system) lucasarts has technology they could share with Raven and Use for Saber Slashes Thrusts ETC also the saber should Damage someone just bye it touching them, as it is A 4-5ft glowing blade of energy.</STRONG>


This would be well sexy. We have to try and get lucasbums to use the mouse system used in obi wan 4 the pc b4 da asses droped it!

Any1 else think its a good idea?

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