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c'mon now....I think we may be getting a bit too crucial here. If you think what rage said was vulger you haven't seen him pissed ;)


but anyways, the filtered words, the strict moderators...it's all gotta go. We gotta relax, just follow the smiley... bandit.gif

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kwup, 4 players in JK is great... games like Rainbow 6 have up to 16 on zone...but a 16 player JK game is retarded. 4 players is good...and zone is the best i love it. Zone messanger just kicks super ass, and plus you know every1 on zone

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Reactor, basically, what you are saying is, you want to play quake with a saber.


I have no idea why you would assume that, so I won't respond until I hear an explanation.


like Kwup said, in mots, when it was at its peak, we had 100+ people, the community was tight, anybody who was anybody knew who each other was, if you were enemies or friends, whatever.


What is it about the concept of alternative communities other than the Zone that you don't understand? You can have a "tight" community, and you may be able to even have one on the Zone, but if not, there are MANY MANY MANY alternatives. I happen to be in a "tight" community of JK players in #JediKnight on ETG. The difference is, now we will be able to CHOOSE our community, instead of being forced onto the Zone, because that's where almost everyone plays.


and the 32 player game bs goes back to the "quake with a saber" deal, I'm sorry but if I wanna be fighting against 31 people at once maybe I'll think about playing quake 3 or UT. but both them games SUCK ass.


Saying that something sucks is a matter of opinion. Considering that the UT and Q3 communities are much larger than the JK/MotS community, I would say that the majority of people disagree with you. You don't HAVE to play with 32+ people, it all depends on the servers settings. The server COULD set it to 4 or whatever else he/she wanted to do. Why do you feel that people should be forced to play like you play? Freedom is what the majority of people want with games and gaming communities, it's just a fact.


I fail to see the importance of the Zone argument. There are plenty of suitable alternatives, 99% of which are better. The Zone is very limited and I wouldn't be caught dead there if there wasn't such a huge JK community there.


/me thinks you need to play NiCo at Tribes before you decide he isn't the premier gamer in the room. Wilhuf is a netstalker, thats not a personal attack, just the truth from a friend of mine whom he made very uncomfortable on the zone.


How about we stay on the topic and not change the subject when your side is losing the argument?


And you ppl say the Zone is bad?...just look at your posts. Id say you have no room to talk.


Actually Caradoc, the ones who are posting flames ARE the ones from the Zone. Now do you see what we've been talking about?


Must be nobodys if you guys dont know who DIK is,you dont mess with the DIK,so if i were you guys i shut it before something very bad happens.


[sARCASM]I'm trembling. I don't think I can live now that I know there are skilled MotS players that are after us. I'm thinking about getting into the Witness Protection Program.[/sARCASM]


This topic is beginning to bore me, especially because of the weak arguments being presented by the opposing side. If the opposing arguments don't begin to show some sign of logic, I will stop bothering with this thread.

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You know, I can't tolerate DIK. If he continues to make havoc in this forum then so be it, I trust Jeff Walters will deal with him. But I have one thing to say to you DIk, we at the JK2 forums will not tolerate being bashed by some retard that can't get along with anyone. I don't mind if you stay as long as you shape up. SO GET A GRIP!



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pst, nobody asked you to reply or really cares whether or not you reply. the point of this thread was to find out out if anyone knew whether or not JK2 would be hosted by zone.


32players, "servers", using irc as the community, quake3 engine....... mixed with JK you get Quake with a Saber.


you talk as if you're somebody of great importance, why don't you quit the condascending bull**** and talk straight like everybody else has been doing.


the reason I prefered mots/jk over UT/Quake/whatever, was because of the community, zone was all I ever knew for JK/mots, didn't really know there was alternatives, and really, I don't WANT to know about them, I LIKE the idea of the zone being the MAIN community. all this was a response to the replies saying "zone sucks" or whatever.

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Hmmn i agree the zone was great,i dont like to play in 32 player games but four is too small still if it is hosted by the zone maybe theyll put 16 or somethin,or selecting how many you want,the only good games that support 32 that play fun is tribes 2 since you need alot of people,except the fact that 5150 act like asses sometimes.



"Save the Concussion Rifles!"


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Ok, before I say anything... I expect to not be flamed by some homo just for disagreeing with him.


Anyway... I agree with Rage as far as the community aspect of it is concerned. It wasnt necisarily the fact of not being able to play with a bunch of people at one time. Or the tightness of the community just because it was small. Its the fact of the way the community operates compared to a larger scale game community (e.g. UT or Q3). As stated before... its the chatting, finding an opponant, clanning, etc. etc. that are not the same in bigger scale games. You just join a 'good ping' server, start playing. Win-Lose... it doesnt matter. Chatting in game rarely ever passes "gg" after its over. Its almost hard to explain. The flare of the community... clans, clansites... people you see everyday. It just doesnt operate the same. And thats what us 'zoners' are arguing against Q3 type of games.

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32players, "servers", using irc as the community, quake3 engine....... mixed with JK you get Quake with a Saber.


Does this apply for all games that aren't playable over the Zone? If every game that allows 32 players is Quake-like we are all in for an unlimited amount of Quake-like games. 32+ players is the way things are going, you either live with it, or play JK/MotS for the rest of your life. I tend to see that allowing people the freedom to choose how many people can come into their servers, would be the logical way. Obviously modern-day game developers and thousands of gamers do as well. If you want to play with 8 players, join a server that only allows 8 people. What is so difficult about that? If you want to play on the Zone, play on the Zone. I still fail to see what the big issue it. I don't see anyone saying that JK2 won't be playable over the Zone, the majority of people are just stating their dislike about the Zone, and that they wouldn't play there. In new games, places like Mplayer and the Zone are considered newbie hangouts because of the limitations to the software, over-bearing sysops, the fact that its owned by Microsoft and because the software is so newbie-friendly, thus newbies go there for ease of use.


the reason I prefered mots/jk over UT/Quake/whatever, was because of the community, zone was all I ever knew for JK/mots, didn't really know there was alternatives, and really, I don't WANT to know about them, I LIKE the idea of the zone being the MAIN community. all this was a response to the replies saying "zone sucks" or whatever.


You've said this all 100 times already. I think that we all get your point, but we disagree. Alot of us dislike the Zone and it's community. Just because YOU want the zone to be the primary place to play JK2, doesn't mean that EVERYONE does. Think of the community and not just yourself. You will probably get your Zone, but no, it won't be like it was with JK/MotS, because this isn't going to be JK/MotS. Change can sometimes be good, and I believe that this is one time when it is indeed good.


reactor, i wasnt aware i was arguing with you, i was simply responding to an earlier message.


I'm not arguing with you, I'm just politely asking you and everyone else to stick with the subject, and to refrain from attacking people. This thread/forum isn't the place to discuss whether or not there is a stalker amongst us. Those types of things should be taken care of in private. When I used the word "argument" in response to your quote, I meant to say "discussion." My apologies for the misunderstanding.


please read the forum posts before responding to individual posts ok.


I've read every post on this thread and most of the posts in every other somewhat interesting threads. :)


Chatting in game rarely ever passes "gg" after its over. Its almost hard to explain. The flare of the community... clans, clansites... people you see everyday. It just doesnt operate the same. And thats what us 'zoners' are arguing against Q3 type of games.


I totally understand the point that you folks are making, but I for one disagree. There are communites inside of communities in most games. The way that you see the community may not be the way that everyone else does. I happen to think that the Quake communities are pretty tight in their own respect. Especially amongst the top players. You're right though, it doesn't operate the same. The thing is, alot of us think that it operates better. I like the idea of dedicated servers and the idea of not having to join little game/chat-rooms to get a game going. I'm more for playing than chatting. I don't have much time to chat because of my busy lifestyle, but when I do, I prefer to do it in #JediKnight with my tight community of friends. Everyone has their own idea of the community that they would like to see, but having the zone as a primary JK2 community, is just a step back in time. Games should progress, not vice versa.

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The future JKO community will be just as tight as with JK/MotS. It'll be even better. Zone trash will be left behind.


The Zone might not be the automatic first choice of location for the JKO community. JKO will probably have some sort of chat lobby, so we'll still have a place for community (e.g., Tribes IRC).


Even if JKO doesn't ship with a chat lobby, we'll still be able to use other chat clients, such as mIRC. We'll able to create our own chat channels, and host and administer our own game servers.


Some channels will host skilled players who have something interesting and fun to say about the game. Some channels won't.


Even the trolls can create their own channels: they'll still be able to wallow in their own pits, coughing up sophmoric lies (as rage has done here) for the usual simpleminded self-entertainment. And, just like on the Zone, the trolls can flood their channels like an overloaded sewer main.


The upside is, we won't have to smell it.

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Originally posted by DIK_RAGE:

<STRONG>wilhuf stalked some girl on the zone, for what a year or two? used to write her long ass love letters keep bothering her and wouldn't leave her alone, she used to argue with him to leave her alone and he'd keep bothering her and bothering her and wouldn't stop. unfortunately the girl herself wasn't too bright or sane</STRONG>


So lacking in brightness and so insane, in fact, that she was utterly incapable of reaching for either the "privacy" or the "block" button in Zone Friends.


A likely story...

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