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Possible JKII plot. ;) NOT Possible spoiler.

Guest JediKnight_114[b]

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

How about this for a 'maybe' plot?


Only months before the Emperor’s great Jedi purge, a thirty year old Jedi Master named Anya Katarn was on a mission with her padawan, Uldric. While flying, Anya’s hyperdrive malfunctions, forcing her to make an unscheduled break out of hyperspace.


However, she stops in uncharted space in the middle of a pirate battle. Before she can raise shields, or call for help, her ship is attacked, disabling communications and forcing her to make a run for the nearest planet, with pirates chasing her the entire way down.


With her ship all but destroyed around her, Anya manages to eject her and Uldric right before the ship crashes and explodes.


With no ship, and no communications, Anya and Uldric are stranded on an unknown world, and since her drop from hyperspace was unscheduled, they are presumed dead by the Jedi Council, Anya’s husband Morgan Katarn, and their newborn son, Kyle.


In the following years, the Jedi are exterminated, Morgan hides Kyle from his Jedi Heritage, and Anya and Uldric discover that the non-human inhabitants of their unknown planet have extremely high Force potential.


A few years later, Anya becomes ill, telling Uldric, just before she dies, that if he ever gets off the planet, to find Morgan and Kyle, and tell them what happened to her, and that she died thinking of them.


Feeling sorrowful over the loss of his master, and angry that he is still stranded, Uldric begins to train the natives in the ways of the Force. However, his training is clouded by the rage he is feeling over being stranded and he slowly turns to the dark side, involuntarily creating a horde of Dark Jedi.


Thirty-five or forty years later, a ship lands on the planet. Uldric, now completely consumed by the Dark Side, kills everyone on board, hijacks the ship, and heads out with thirty of his best Dark Disciples, ready to shape a new Jedi order in his own image.


When he arrives back in civilized space, he is elated to discover that there is only a handful of Jedi in the galaxy with none of them trained in the old way.


He then finds Kyle, who is now married to Jan Ors, fulfilling his promise to Anya, and then offers Kyle a partnership in his plans. Kyle refuses, so is then imprisoned by Uldric.... Which is where the game begins.


Level 1: Kyle must escape confinement, and try to catch Uldric before he escapes.


Level 2: Uldric escaped, so now Kyle must get back to his ship, the Moldy Crow II, which is parked across the compound/city/installation etc.


After that, Kyle rushes to tell Luke Skywalker about the new threat, and realizes that he alone has to stop Uldric, and try to save him, because he sensed some good in him. And so, he retrieves his lightsaber, and once again becomes a Jedi Knight.


For the rest of the Game, Kyle is hunting Uldric across several planets, all the while, wiping out Uldric’s Dark Jedi as well as the usual hundreds of Stormtroopers since Uldric has now affiliated with the empire, until he finally confronts Uldric in a climactic battle that ends either with Uldric’s death or reckoning.


The End



You see, that plot would work. First, Kyle’s mother being a Jedi Master explains Kyle’s link to the Force. Second, Uldric’s link to Kyle’s mother will involve Kyle personally. Third, Uldric and his Jedi will involve Luke. Also, there is a chance for redemption as well as tons of lightsaber wielding bad guys to have to fight through. Plus, the first two levels are before Kyle gets his lightsaber back, so that would sate the traditional FPS people’s desire for a traditional FPS game.


So, not likely that this is the story, but it would work.


What do you guys think?


[ July 04, 2001: Message edited by: JediKnight_114 ]


[ July 05, 2001: Message edited by: JediKnight_114 ]

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Wow Dude! that was great! I had thought that a possible plot involving a surviving padawan of Rahn's gone bad thus making Kyle feel personal about it would be good, but i like yours much better!More enemies with sabers to fight! :D

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Thanx, I was just kinda spinning "what could the plot be about" in my head all day, and came up with that. I really like the idea of the person that trains the villain is Kyle's mom. And the possible redemption really makes it plot driven and Star Warsy

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Hey, that's not bad guy. I will mention though that Morgan also was a force sensitive, so even if Kyle's mom was a Jedi, he didn't get it all from her.


And please, for the love of dog, don't let the Empire be involved in this game. I know shooting stormies is all in the Star Wars spirit, but at this point in time the Empire should be all but out of the picture...



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Guest Vagabond

So, what generic bad guys would we be fighting then? Maybe Kyle turns evil and fights against Rebel Fleet Troopers? Oooo...actually, the thought of fighting against the Alliance....hmmm...

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]
Originally posted by -WD- ToRMeNt:

<STRONG>You dork lol. Don't go posting "possible spoiler" on something that you made up. Sheesh.</STRONG>


Well, I know that I made it up totally, but on the off chance that I accidentally stumbled across something here, I didn't want to get flamed for not putting a spoiler warning. So I did


Also, depending on the time period, the Empire wasn't extinct till Paelleon signed the truce with The New Republic just a few years before the Yhuzzan Yong, so if its still many years before the YV, then the Empire would still be relatively powerful and the only organization for the average aspiring evil guy to try and take over :D


It's still a cool plot though

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Usually you arent supposed to put fan fics on a board the developers read, because if some elements of the story and the final version correlate in some way, then the developers are at risk for lawsuits over their "unpaid usage" of your story, its happened before, but laws aside, its a nice story.

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

No, no, this isn't fan fiction, it was just a guess of what the plot could be based on the very sketchy details that LEC has released. I simply took all the verified facts as well as the screenshots and built a plausible plot around them with a moral driven story and lots of lightsaber wielding baddies. So, I guess that in part it was fan fiction, but mostly just a bunch of speculating.


However, if I hapened to be right in some of my guesses, first, that would be really cool. But, secondly, I would never raise a suit against LEC over that. At this point in developement, they probably already have the entire plot mapped out, so any resemblance to my plot would be purely coincidental.


But, if LEC wanted to hire my services to help them make a feasible plot, I wouldn't be opposed to that. :D

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Welp it's fiction, and it was written by a fan. Also people should stop bothering to make suggestions to LEC/Raven on these boards. They couldn't use them even if they wanted. You'd be better off posting them in the editing forum, where some one might like the idea and start working on a mod for it.

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I like the plot. Here is another suggestion..(please don't flame me on this)


Since this game is called Jedi Outcast, It could take place during the New Jedi Order Time Line. (When Luke is trying to rebuild the Jedi Council and deal with the renegade Jedi)


Kyle is a Jedi with unconventional tactics of the Force. Most others consider him an outcast (hence the name of the game) He returns to the mercenary life he once had, and somehow becomes involved with a sinister force and all that stuff that makes games worthwhile. :D Oh yeah, more of his family past will be revealed.


Okay, it stinks, but, who says I'm wrong? (Okay, one at a time)

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Well, pardon the hell out of me, for trying not to piss anyone off by posting POSSIBLE spoiler. (lotta good that did me.) Jeez, I had no idea that it was against the rules for someone to post a THEORY, NOT FAN FICTION about what an upcoming game might be. (you want to see fan fic, I could punch out a 10,000-20,000 word short story about that very plot within a few months.)


So, that was all it was, a theory and a guess. If you liked the idea, fine, if not fine, just don't tell me what I can, can't, should, and shouldn't post around here. And if you have a problem with the way I post, keep it to your self, cause, nobody gives a crap about that either.


[ July 05, 2001: Message edited by: JediKnight_114 ]

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Whew, thank goodness that I edited that message and took out those awful, awful, terrible, misleading, FALSE, spoiler warnings that had poor ToRMeNt so worked up.


Next time I post any JKII news/guesses/theories etc, I will not list them as possible spoilers. Now we can all start sleeping again especially our dear ToRMeNt, who has shown me the light about true and false spoilers and to never post Possible spoilers.Thank you so much. :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Now that that messy possible spoiler episode is over, and justice has been served, can we all let this strangely controversial thread live the rest of its life in peace.


[ July 05, 2001: Message edited by: JediKnight_114 ]

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Originally posted by JediKnight_114:

<STRONG>Jeez, I had no idea that it was against the rules for someone to post a THEORY, NOT FAN FICTION


Theory as defined:

A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena.


An assumption based on limited information or knowledge; a conjecture.


Seeing that you have no fact to base this plot on, it is not a theory.

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Actually, the plot was completely based on verified factual information from LEC. The plot, so far, is said to involve a dark jedi of some sort, Luke Skywalker, Kyle having to confront his past, and the screenshots and footage of the stormtroopers. I simply filled in the gaps with a very plausible storyline that could be true just as easily as false. So, a theory as explained by you Matt: A set of statements or principles (my storyline) devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena. (confirmed LEC info)


And since my storyline was totally based on LEC info as well as the Dark Forces series in gereral, and I came up with a very possible story based on that info, then it can be classified as a theory.


And if theory is too strong of a word for you, then call it an educated guess. Because I did research it, and the story would fit seamlessly with the Dark Forces series.


[ July 05, 2001: Message edited by: JediKnight_114 ]

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*Insert Star Wars music theme here*

<font size=7><center>FLAME WARS</font>

<font size=5>The Fake Spoiler</font>


In a time of chaos and confusion in the New Republic, A lone vigilante named JediKnight_114 tries to bring his view of order upon the citizens of jediknightii.net, 2 citizens, matt-windu and -wd-ToRMeNt, a Jedi Knight and a Mercenary, try to stop him, using the ancient flamer-blades...</center>


[ July 05, 2001: Message edited by: Finalnight ]

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