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Zone sux ... better idea for MP ...


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We all played CS, a famous MOD ...

I think it would be better if MP games for JK2 would be created by ADMINs 24/24.

Why i don't really like the Zone ?

LoL, guy with 28K create games and there are 4 players in the game, do you really enjoy it ?

See CS and follow this example !



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I totally agree with moving this game off the zone. The zone just isnt advanced enough these days to play multiplayer to its fullest. The idea of having a normal desktop commuter host a game for others to join isnt realistic past about 4 players. This game needs dedicated servers. I saw someone else say JK2 should be on the zone cause thats where the best players are...well hello...this is a new game. The only reason the zone does have the best players is because thats where JK started off the biggest. Lucasarts puts all their games on the zone cause they have some sort of contract with the Zone. It's no surpise thats where JK started and thrived. Back when JK was going strong, I was an IRC player and I could see this. The IRC community was much smaller then the zone community, and therefor ppl on the zone had more experience. After having my Clan on IRC so long, we wanted to move to the zone simply cause there was so much competition.

With a new game, however, there is the chance to correct this and get things started off immediately with dedicated servers. Not only could we have around 16 players on one server(EASILY), but that was would cut down on hacking CONSIDERABLY, just cause of the nature of the connection involved. when you play with dedicated servers, most of the game is local to the server as opposed to being local with the clients, like JK. Look at other peer to peer games like Rainbow6 and Roguespear. The MP networking is similiar to JK and they TOO have hackers EVERYWHERE. If you guys really want this game to last for a long time and play it to its fullest...dedicated servers are defeinately the way to go. And if you're concnered about being submersed into the community and getting to know all of your fellow players...you can still do that very easily even with dedicated servers, i promise. Tribes1 has a HUGE community with everyone knowing each other and that game has never come close to the zone. I know a lot of you love the zone and I am in no way bashing or anything. I'm just tryign to convince some of you how much better off we're gonna be if it moves to having Ded servers

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If thats the case, then sorry for beating a dead horse. But from what I could see on this topic, no one really said anything in favor of the zone or ded servers with any kind of real fact behind it. Just a lot of emotion. I'm just stating facts on ded server superiority.

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Guest Kurgan

No see, this is how it works:


Remember how you type in an IP to join a game in JK/MotS? Well it should work the same way here, except you'd go to JK2.net say and you'd see a list of dedicated servers, and so you'd enter one of those and join. You could meet people there to play, etc.


But if you wanted to setup a private game, you would still be able to do that, etc. Because you wouldn't HAVE to use the dedicated servers. Each DS is just another game to join, but one that's maintained and up all the time on a super fast connection.


You could play with Wilhuf or Gonk or whomever in their games just as easily. A built-in server browser would just show you a list of active games, and could includ dedicated servers (see the one in UT or Q3A for reference).


I agree, DS are a must for this game, and the Zone is a definate "no no." I hated the Zone and only used it out of necessity (when I couldn't find games anywhere else). The software was primitive and buggy, the interface sucked, the help pages were out of date, the sysops were often incompetent, and lame-ness was widespread, though there were lots of players there (good and bad).



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i liked battlenet for Diablo(diablo 1, not 2, which was laggy as hell) b/c it was easy to keep up with friends, it had nice chat rooms that you could talk to people. all you have to do for this is just write down their bnet number and it tells you what game there in(with the /whois function). the hosting of games operated on a client-client server system, but that could easily be replaced with dedicated servers. i believe the sense of closeness could be recreated without the problems of zone(bot protection agaisnt flooders, no sysops with power trips, strong hack protection and frequent patches to proect agaisnt hacks.) the UT game setup was perfect except for 1 thing, which was people weren't assigned numbers like battlenet had so you had no way of tracking friends down. although bnet consisted of my 'zf list' being a piece of paper on which i wrote ppl's #s down.

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Guest Kurgan

They could make an in-game chat feature (R6 had one, although it could have been done better), as well as an in-game server browser.


UT used a built-in IRC client, so that could work.



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Originally posted by pops2002:

<STRONG>We all played CS, a famous MOD ...

I think it would be better if MP games for JK2 would be created by ADMINs 24/24.

Why i don't really like the Zone ?

LoL, guy with 28K create games and there are 4 players in the game, do you really enjoy it ?

See CS and follow this example !




Funny thing is...there was already a topic on this. And it would be more like TFC than CS due to the style of play and weapons and its called a dedicated server. My clan uses one. YOu can use HL's ingame broswer on WON or Gamespy Arcade.

To keep in contact, Gamespy Arcade could be used or ICQ or IRC. I think all HL mod gamers will agree, its a easy system and easy to stay in contact with fellow players/clanmates.


[ June 23, 2001: Message edited by: Finalnight ]

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