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Why do people want mods in a game?

Guest Lord Tirion

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yes, but i can already see the discussion when they release the first add-on:


"They didn't include the Vong ! How could they !"


"AT-AT speed STILL is bad !"


"Xizor should have been made selectable !"


See what i mean ? Mods are a fan-made thing, providing something for fan-desires and since they are made by fans of the original game, they are not aimed at destroying the game but enhancing it.

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Guest Maul403
That is soley opinions. Mods get out of hand when people make them to make the game easier. Once that happens, the true gameplay is compromised and it becomes a toy rather than a strategic contest. So far, every single expansion I have bought has completely satisfied me.

and your saying yours is not an opinion? also who says you have to download the mod? if ppl make a mod ppl dont want/like it will flop. expansions are good and fine w/ me...but mods are just as good if not better than expansions when made the right way :)

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Guest Lord Tirion

"and your saying yours is not an opinion?"


Actually I made it quite clear it was in mutliple posts.


"also who says you have to download the mod?"


Every mod I have seen was downloadable.



"if ppl make a mod ppl dont want/like it will flop. expansions are good and fine w/ me...but mods are just as good if not better than expansions when made the right way"


Which is rare and far in between. Besides, like others have said, I dont think Ensemble has made a game yet that has let mods be used.


A game is a game when its made. There is always going to be somebody who is not satisfied. I just find it frustrating when multiple people make tons of mods and it slows everything down and you have to worry about what version can play with which and it gets out of hand. I know there are a lot who agree with me on this as well. There are also some that disagree and thats fine too. But I think there should be a line between a finished product and how much a person can tamper with it to alter it.

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agree yet I disagree. It really depends on the quality of the mod...like if I see the mod mentioned in PC Gamer because they like it then I'll probably download it and at least take a quick look at it...If I don't like it then I just re-install my original(which might be bad for some comps but it hasn't caused any problem so far)...

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Guest Maul403

i meant you dont have to download it if you dont want it...and good mods are not few and far between, there are many good mods for good and bad games..there are also many bad mods..there are also many good expansions, as well as bad expansions....so i guess we are stuck in the middle somewhere


also it seems like you are worried about a bad mod being made that everyones gonna play...well if its bad then why would they play it? :)

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Guest Lord Tirion

"i meant you dont have to download it if you dont want it...and good mods are not few and far between, there are many good mods for good and bad games"


Could very well be. I don't have any games that really use mods besides Unreal Tournament and even that I have kept my game the way it is and thoroughly enjoy it.


"..there are also many bad mods..there are also many good expansions, as well as bad expansions....so i guess we are stuck in the middle somewhere"


I couldn't agree with you more on that. It all depends on our individual preferences. For example, I would never buy Jedi Knight because to me, the graphics were horrendous. I can't get involved in a game in which the graphics are really bad. It is more of a distraction to me. Yet, on the other hand, JK has a large fan base. So all in all, it all depends on what players like you and myself are willing to tolerate in an individual game's aspects.

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