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Do these forums have moderators, and if so, maybe you oughta add some more (like me! :) )

If not, maybe you oughta get some moderators (like me! :) )some threads are a little out of control. :eek:

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Guest Boba Rhett

I think there doing a pretty good job right now considering the amount of new posts and members that are created here every day.

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Guest ZeroXcape

We have 6 people with admin & moderator power checking the boards on a daily basis. We let the majority of posts go due to the fact that we are taking a 'free-speech' point of view with these boards.


We don't want to have to lock down and rule the boards with an iron fist. It's more work for us, and less fun for everyone else. Everyone has the chance to read the rules when they sign up. If they break them, then we take action. It's that simple. More moderators aren't going to do the job, and if more are needed, we've got several people on-call ;).


Thanks for your concern.

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Yes, it's a hard balance to keep. If we let posts go, then people believe we are easy and the boards are out of control. If we close down every other topic and ban people, etc., then people think we are dictators and talk smack about us. The primary thing we don't want to do right now is make people feel unwanted. Most of the new people coming in now will calm down soon, and the problem will be more or less resolved. Personally, looking at the boards right now, they seem to be doing pretty fine...let's keep them that way.



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Guest Vagabond

I'm very open-minded and it takes an awful lot to offend me. However, where I draw the line is:


  • Personal attacks on other members.
  • People spamming an otherwise interesting thread with the sole purpose of destroying the discussion.
  • Spam/Advertising posts.


Again, as Swoosh said, we need to make everyone feel welcome in our forums.

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I'm not a moderator, and I have no jurisdiction over these boards, but can I just make one polite request? Can some members (who shall remain nameless) please stop using the forums as though they were a chat room? When people are posting one-line messages every 2-3 minutes, it can get a tad annoying. Thanks.

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Go Ed! Go Ed! Go Ed! :)


We do need a bit of 'netiquette' in here, Someone said earlier that newer members should not post too much to begin with so that they can get the feel of the forum.


I would agree with this, and if some people had adhered to this, there wouldn't be about 10 threads for the lightsaber...


no offence intended, I know it can be difficult knowing where to start in these places..



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I think the number of topics will start to decrease during the next weeks.Its already decreasing


From my experience (since the ´98) there have been no major problems in the LG forums, there is more 'netiquette' in this comunity than in most of the forums Iv visited


Lets hope the JKii.net forums continue the tradition of inteligent discussions without flame wars

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Guest Boba Rhett

Yeah, it's already probably decreased by like 75% The first couple days this place was open there was about 2 new pages every day.

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Lets hope the JKii.net forums continue the tradition of inteligent discussions without flame wars


You all can rest assured that if any flame wars occur, they will be quickly deleted and won't reoccur. We have numerous moderators who all have the power to deal with the situation if it arises. We're all proud of the reputation our forums have, so we hope to keep it that way. But, the quality of our forums is dependant upon everyone here, so just stick to the rules! Most of you are, and the conversations here are excellent! Keep up the good work.



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