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Kyle & Jan

Guest Vagabond

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Guest Vagabond

I wonder if Jan is force-sensitive? Wouldn't it be cool if she was training at the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV? Jan and Kyle could be like Luke and Mara.

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if Jan was force sensitive, that would be too much, we have too many main char. force sensitive already, i mean, i though Kyle being a Jedi was a little over the top (but george is good for over the top stuff (not the Sly movie)) cause we have Mara, and Corrin Horn (the pilot from the x-wing novels), and umm, well, im sure there is more, but still, what are the chances that two friends are both force-sensitive. i though it was suppsoed to be a rare thing. well, anyway, thats my two or three cents...

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Guest Vagabond

Ya, I tend to agree. I was just brain-storming about different possibile relationships between Kyle and Jan.


Oh, here's a new one. What if Jan were Kyle's daughter? He could conceivably be old enough to be her father. That would explain their love for each other.


In any event, Jan appears to be in her prime child-bearing years, so she's going to need to hook up with a man if she ever hopes to have offspring. Some interesting relationship dynamics could come into play here between Kyle and Jan, regardless of whether they are father/daughter, lovers, brother/sister, friends, etc.


[ June 28, 2001: Message edited by: Vagabond ]

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Guest Vagabond

Yes, I suppose the brother/sister thing would be a bit over-used for Star Wars, not unlike how both The Phantom Menace and Return of the Jedi ended with:


1. Goofy Aliens battling the bad-guy army on the planet below.


2. A space battle raging overhead.


3. A lightsaber duel between good-guys and bad-guys going on nearby.


But back to Jan, she will probably be wanting to have children soon, so I wonder who it will be, if anyone at all? Kyle would be the most logical candidate, but I think it would be more interesting if it were someone else. Kyle, regardless of how he views Jan, would feel some measure of jealousy. It's only natural. This could be very interesting, story-wise.

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Guest Vagabond

So, Jan would give birth to the future anti-Jedi, and potential threat to the Republic. Hmmmm....


[ June 29, 2001: Message edited by: Vagabond ]

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Guest Kurgan

Child-bearing? Bah, who needs it when you can make thousands of insane clones of yourself and rule the galaxy, bwahahahahaha!!!!!


Sorry, I think I was possessed by Dr. Doom for a second there. ; p



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Guest Kurgan

Thanks for the reminder, the world has stopped spinning and the flying pixies have all quieted down. ; )


Here's an idea, anybody seen Highlander: Endgame? I won't get into how much the movie rocked/sucked, but perhaps some of the plot in that movie could be adapted and might work better in JK2 than it did in that film.


How about the idea of the hero, afraid of his inner darkness, going to some sort of Sanctuary where Force sensitives go to "hide out" for awhile, from the Dark Side (or it could be a remnant safe-house for Jedi during the purges) to be lost in meditation (or drugged to "escape" from his demons). He'd be having fitful dreams, etc, and hallucinations, then wake up, because....


The evil Dark Jedi person discovers the secret Sanctuary with his posse of thugs/disciples, and starts killing the other Jedi there, leaving only Kyle left.


Why? Because this Jedi is angry with Kyle. Tie this in with Kyle's Imperial Days. How many people do you think Kyle hurt/killed while he was with the Empire? And when he switched sides, how many of his former colleuges/friends did he have to harm/kill?


Just pick somebody, a former classmate at the academy, roommate, teacher, former rival, etc. Or some innocent victim caught between. Someone who was later found to have force abilities.


Anyhow, so this guy is trying to dedicated himself to ruining Kyle's life, and so he wants to make him suffer.


Tie this in with trying to capture/kill Jan, Mara and Luke and whomever else he loves. Maybe tie in something with his father's death (like this guy took part in the mission or something). So the Dark Jedi has had an axe to grind for years... and what better reason to be evil than because he feels that Kyle ruined HIS life somehow?


Just another idea...



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going to some sort of Sanctuary where Force sensitives go to "hide out" for awhile


Like a jedi rehab type place?


I like that idea... It would be nice to see kyle become some sort of recluse, drunk and on the edge. Then he has some sort of incentive to come out of retirement (a la kurgan's idea), then he becomes new Kyle! He gets himself back into shape ready to kick some preverbial butt!



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The game should start with an assassination attempt on Kyle. He doesn't know why or who sent the opperative, but he knows his life is in danger, and so he begins his quest for knowledge and justice, finding on the way, how deep the villian's plan really is...a new threat to the galaxy.

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