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Beta Testing time....


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Anytime now beta testing should begin seeing as beta tests always start about now, and go through about three phases of testing. Do you think this is going to be a closed beta test, or one open to the public? Raven usually have a closed one which is why they always have so few bugs and rarely require to release patches to correct bugs. Any ideas, or any information??

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i think....if they let anyone be beta testers, it should be you guys at jkii.net, you do a wonderful job here....

but, i would also like to see *some* public beta testing....its really something id be interested in.....but, they probably have a bunch of people lined up anyway

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This is from the Ravensoft website:


Raven has an entire department of Quality Assurance testers out in Santa Monica, California, so the need for beta testers is rare. When we do have a beta test, they are generally held on-site at Raven's offices in Madison, Wisconsin. Please DO NOT contact Raven about becoming a beta tester. When we do have a need for beta testers, we will post it in Announcements and in Company Jobs.

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Guest ZeroXcape

I also think there's pretty much no way its going to publicly be tested. At least we can hopefully get the chance to test out SWG :)

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