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In Dark Forces we had shield belts as protection against things which i kinda liked since Kyle was a mercenary. In Jedi Knight we still had them but they didn't seem in character with the new Jedi persona in my opinion. Well since Kyle is a full fledged Jedi in Outcast I think his new protection should just be his Saber and The Force.


what do you guys think I would love to see this in Outcast although it may prove difficult to stay alive then in the previous games

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I think shield belts would be fine, but they need to change:


1) collect shield recharged in square form. it feld kinda odd that he picked up dozens of shield belts instead of power packs for them.


2) shield belts should protect agaisnt head shots w/ blaster. you should have to drop their shields sufficeintly b4 u have a go at exposed flesh.



I also hope it takes under 15 blaster shots to drop the shields/kill Katarn.

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no not condoms cuz in the star wars univerese they dont use condoms they use death star super laser sperm eliminators :D


but i think the saber should be your only protection and the 2nd firing mode on the saber should bring it to a defensive stance instead of autoblock (could be toggled on/off in options for autoblock). i dunno could be cool would make duels much more easier with such control over your saber


[ July 11, 2001: Message edited by: HyperAquaBlast ]

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Jipe, it's not about our realism, it's about Starwars Universe realism, and the realism there is that Jedi's don't need shields to protect them, they have the Force.


But I kinda like the fact that it's a hang-over from his mercenary days. That's a clever thought. I imagin there'd be some stuff he doesn't want to leave behind! ;)

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yeah but digl, you have to think:

did they even realize that there would be such an importance on them as he becomes a jedi...he didnt even start as a jedi, or even become one fully till more than halfway through the game, he was still quite a mercenary...and this game should shift the importance away from blasting everything in sight...maybe, guns levels/matches should have shields, and there should be no shields at all in lets say...bgj equivalent

what do you think?

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That's good Pretzel, cool idea, depending on what you're doing/playing you have a different Kyle, one can be a Jedi Kyle, the other a Mercenary Kyle!


Only problem is that it lacks consistancy with play. Still we can hope! :)

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