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Acrobatics in Outcast?


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I hope they include acrobatics such as flips or rolls. It would eliminate the need for the JUMPING FOOLS in JK1. They could do it in the way u dodge in Unreal Tournament, by double tapping a direction. It would also add LOTS of strategy to the game. Any thoughts?

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Great point with this subject. This concept has got to be included, some how some way! I was just having this conversation with someone, and it would be the biggest way to improve Jedi Knight, when making Outcast. Although double tapping may be an option, I think a designated button for "acrobatics" wold be the best best. However, it would have use in conjunction with another movement. Example( a= acrobatics key)

a+attack= speacial attack

a+jump= flip( back-flips, side flips, like Laura Croft, diagnol flips....yummy!)

a+straff= side roll

a+any direction= performs a roll in that direction. Alhough, my suggetions may not the best soultion, any way this could be accomplished would kick serious as*!!!


Let's hope the right people hear this! :D

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If you had played quake 3, then you would know that many of the characters do flips and such when they jump. The observer sees the other flipping, but to the person jumping he seems to remaim upright. This is prolly the way JK2 will be. Its a good idea, if you really flipped and your view changed with it, that would be seriously dizzying.


[ June 29, 2001: Message edited by: -WD- ToRMeNt ]

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What's with this "jumping fools" nonsense? The more you move in a game, the harder you are to hit. You sound like the type to stand there looking stupid, firing at me with a bryer while I elitely force jump over you, grip you while I pass over you, and blast you twice with my conc before you even know where I landed. You are also probably the type that runs at me swinging saber in NF oasis while I outran you with strafe run + jump. All the while I would be hitting you in the face with sticky rails cause I was bored with you.


[ June 29, 2001: Message edited by: -WD- ToRMeNt ]

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I'd have to say double tapping a direction would be the only way. Think about it. Adding an acrobat button? You only have 10 fingers! I'm sure it will be like JK1 where you have a bunch of keys set to the force powers etc... Having an acrobat button, would just get in the way.

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We'll I think that the acrobatics should be seen by you as well, but only in 3rd person view, wich most all people use for saber dules. Let's use Tomb Raider as an example, only because she had the ability to flip from side to side, roll in all directions, and you were able to see it happen. I would like to see these types of abilities for JKO Lets face it, Jedi are, and should be, way more acrobatic then a Laura Croft.( sorry to use her as the example) Unforuntaley, jumping will be an option, and cutting out newbs that play in mp games that seem to think jumping is the best thing to happen in a video game, will never die. Its like they never let ther finger off the jump button, which drives most players nuts, what to do???


I would aslo like to see the ability to grap ledges, etc, incorporated into the game? Giving you the ability to act own a scene like Obi-won and Maul in EP1....maybe we are asking too much.....lol

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Oh, by the way, I completely agree with WA-Torment, and the jumping aspect, don't let my words miss-lead you..speaking from a primarily NF, FF Saber point of view, there is a right time to jump and right time not too! I was just commenting on Exessive jumping, etc. And although jumping is used best for defense and positioning, straffing is one area were most newb-average players fail to crasp...most seasoned players can identify the skill level of a player within about 3 seconds of game...

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Thanks wardz...I'll use her as much as she lets me... :eek: Also, to back up wardz, as I'm sure he agrees with jumping being important at the right times.....it shouldn't be much of a concern, cause we all know, if you don't like a game....leave!


Also, If you incorprate a button for acrobatics, as opposed to double tapping, you could use mouse 3, or 4. I don't use mouse 3 for anything with JK so it would be easily accessed when needed, assumming you play with the mouse and keyboard. Simply put, the could incorporate both options during set-up....this way everyone wins!!!!!!

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He WD-Torment, im not a newb, and would probably thrash u in JK. But anyway, the saber duels in JK were wild swing fights where u HAVE to jump around to avoid being hit. That is just so unrealistic . You shoud be able to block. In reality and in the Star Wars movies, they don't jump around like morans. They stand their ground. I think the duels should be about patience and waiting for the proper moment to strike. And i think flips and somersaults could add great depth to this.

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