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who do you think the baddies will be, hopefully not a big bunch of dark jedi again, and i hope they don't Rule the Empire it would be cool if they were seperate from the empire but they were all try to kill you, it would be to boring making a Jedi leader of the Empire again cause they always lose, like the Empoerer, Jeric , Vader


I'd like to see somebody like Tharwn or like that,


Sorry if this has already been a post but i ain't seen it,




Scott :D

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I've already posted this on another thread, but a sidenote on that thread was the main attraction :rolleyes:

I'm hoping that the Sith Lord enemy will send Kyle Force-induced images of his dead father--thereby providing some storyline continuity between JK and JK2 :)

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if this sith lord couldnt be killed (although i doubt it would be a sith, because i think we already discussed that they are extince, and no one can learn the sith teachings anymore... maybe not) why would we be in the game, if he cannot be killed, then to what end would the game go?

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Originally posted by Zuckuss13:

<STRONG>it would be to boring making a Jedi leader of the Empire again cause they always lose, like the Empoerer, Jeric , Vader



Uhhhhmm, the bad guys do eventually lose, that's their job. :D

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Originally posted by acdcfanbill:

<STRONG>if this sith lord couldnt be killed (although i doubt it would be a sith, because i think we already discussed that they are extince, and no one can learn the sith teachings anymore... maybe not) why would we be in the game, if he cannot be killed, then to what end would the game go?</STRONG>


I mean maybe he cant be killed by a lightsaber, but you would have to fight him and force push him down a pit or something like that......like the Darth Maul pit :)

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