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COG and hack parinoia


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I was playing Jedi Knight on the Zone a couple of days ago and I was amazed at the parinoia of COGS and hacks! I was suspected of cheating in one game and ejected from two others! :eek: and in the last game I did run into someone who was cheating, must shot him 50 times with the repeaters secondary fire!


Hopefully in JK2 they will have options to turn off any COGS or hacks the clients may have on, because it really ruins a game when your always being suspected of cheating every time you go some place other players don't know about or pick up a weapon super charge and use it. :mad::mad:

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Q3 tech can block many cheating players from even loging in, without a need to ban players.


Q3 tech supports the pure server concept. A q3 tech server running in pure mode will scan the pak files of any player who logs in. If there are inconsistencies (e.g. the player's source pak file has been modified), that player will not be able to play on the pure server. If the pak file is different from the correct, unaltered, source version, the player won't even be able to enter the game.


This won't eliminate all cheats, such as aimbots, which are separate executables, of course, but it does eliminate most cheats that are based on modifying the client pak file.


Q3 tech also allows servers to switch off the pure mode, if players wish to play with modified pak files.


And, as was said, if the pure server isn't enough, server administrators can always ban a player if they have good evidence that the offender is using a cheat, such as an aimbot.

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Guest Boba Rhett

You can't just turn off or neutralize the cogs. Simply put, cogs are what, "make things work" in jk. A cog is not a hack. A hack is an altered cog. The checksum in jk is what trys to detect differences in the clients cogs but that's just not enough of a defence and easily bypassed. That's why everyone on the zone is paranoid. It's just to easy to hack.


In my opinion, the worst kind of hacks aren't the blatantly obvious ones but the ones that give the player an edge such as slightly increased force replenishment rate, guns not using as much ammo, higher accuracy, etc.

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Guest Boba Rhett

It's telling you that you don't have necessary files, like the hosts, to play the game. It usually is because the host has a patch activated and you try to join without that patch active.

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its obvious people here are not too keen on other *superior* engines to JK..this is not meant as an insult in any way

with quake based engines, there are no "cog" files whatsoever, that type of file, was implemented in the Sith engine, and possibly the Jedi engine, but i dont know about the Jedi engine

what makes quake based games work are pak files, like wilhuf said, and also client based executables, called cfg files...this is where most "hacks" occur

now...you may think, hmmm...ill be playing JK2 on the zone, and some guy will enter my server and hell start freezing and deleting and throwing conc bursts everywhere...but this will never be the case

with the way the engine is set up, there is no room for doing such heinous things, but, there is however, a possibility of doing some tweaking to give a large advantage over the other players

sometimes, in games, you wont even be able to TELL whos hacking, because things like god mode dont even occur...the clearest way to tell, is if someone is shooting through walls, or is moving with a forward speed that is faster than anything else.....there are others, but most are subtle, and could easily be passed off as skill

anyway...you wont have to worry about hacks too much, if the engine is well modified, they might be able to clear up some of the spaces left behind by older versions

i am anxious to look at the file types they use, i always like digging ;)

and if you play jk2 on the zone....

well....good luck to you

there isnt much consistency to my thoughts here, and i apoligize for that :p

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You can simply use WinZIP or PKZIP to unzip a q3 or elite force pak file and look inside.


Of course if you modify, add or remove files from the pak, the pak should not work on a pure server.


.cfg files are simply text files, edit them with a text editor such as wordpad. Modifying cfg files isn't really a cheat in that anyone can do it, everyone has access to the same variable settings.

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