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DF, JK, MOTS with JO Engine?


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I think creating the levels and scripting the events in the story line that take place in the levels is all we, as fans, can do...


If you would recreate the whole game with cutscenes and everything, you would be doing nothing else for the rest of the year, it's a fulltime job... Plus I think LucasArts wouldn't be too happy with a release like that, they're pretty strickt.


A basic recreation of the JK and DF levels and events hapening in those levels is a realistic goal, I think.

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Well, as I said before, I think it would be interesting as a project.


A basic recreation of the JK and DF levels and events hapening in those levels is a realistic goal, I think.

I agree. I'm a programmer, and I'd really like to be a part in this project.


Also, if I might add, we should move this thread into the editing zone, I think it would get more attention from editors.

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I just got to knight-ness Pretzel :)


Id love helping if the project is done, but I dont know what I could do :(, probably just administrative stuff

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I have many skills, but not related to mod creation

Actually Iv never practiced much editing, I could be good at it if I gave it a try

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Gracias magnum!

Claro que quiero


Y también me gustaría hacer algo mas

voy a empezar a practicar con editores de Q3

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