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Alternate ways to control the lightsaber in Jedi Outcast?


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If any of you have played the Star Wars Arcade game by Sega, (If not, go play it!) you'll be familiar with the control scheme for it.


What does everyone think of having a joystick control Kyle's lightsaber in Outcast and the keyboard control his actual movement. Having a joystick would not only add to the realism, but also make it a lot more easier to control.


So how about? Meh, bigons.

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Guest Krayt Tion

I'm going to put the gameplay and comfort aspects of such an idea aside for the moment to comment more on the practical matter of this:


Every gamer would then be required to purchase an extra peripheral just to play the game. From a marketing standpoint I cannot see this being feasible.


As an option this is doable but not as a requirement for playing the game, I'm not sure which you meant.

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*sighs* I hate to start this again, but... Mouse is better then stick. Stick could be ok for sabers, but remember JK2 will have guns as well, and the mouse if far superior in guns aiming. I think we should all be very suspicious of "alternative" saber control systems. The glyth system sounded like a cool idea, but in reality it was very impracticle and contributed to the death of Obi-Wan on the PC.


[ August 22, 2001: Message edited by: -WD- ToRMeNt ]

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Remember the glyph system was basically going to do the same thing, except using the mouse. There are many other problems to consider when suggesting using a peripheral as only saber control. Joystick will probably be supported, but not as a saber only control.

If the joystick only controlled the saber how would one circle-strafe or free look all the time? Raven will come up with a more practical system, and they said in one preview it will be a combination of the mouse and keys.


Edit: Also how does having a joystick control the saber add to the realism? Last time I checked a Jedi didnt stand behind his saber controlling it with a joystick.


[ August 22, 2001: Message edited by: Syndrix ]

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glyph + lock on could have been great for sabs.

I would still like to see it implemented.

if the lock on held your head on the target, with maybe a slight delay for rapid changes of movement, then the mouse would be totally free for doing combos..

it would rule imho.

until someone dropped a thermie on them :)

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Guest Vagabond

For maximum flexibility, the saber should be controlled by combinations of buttons, character movement, & jumping / crouching.


For example, moving left while swinging might produce one move, while moving forward and jump-swinging might product a different move.


Conversely, moving backward and pushing the block button would produce one move, while running forward and pushing block would result in another.


This way the lightsaber control is completely independent of joystick, mouse, or neural interface.

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I don't like the idea of a block button. Doesnt matter though, looks like JK2 will use autoblocking, same as JK.


To me it's kinda looking like the saber controls will behave like JK. JK did have differant moves depending on input. Strafe + primary fire produced a short side swing and so forth. I think the saber controls will be more or less unchanged, but graphicaly they will look much improved.

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Well I want a few more swings myself... Please hehe. And the only other thing I have to say about saberz are , if I hit someone with it , I want it to CUT/KILL them. I don't care who you are , if you get hit with a saber your not just gonna flinch! (like in JK)

May suck in multi though... Who cares! I want it that way for Single! hehe just makes battles more intense and more blocking and junk... something like that :)

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Although its been a while im pretty sure in single, one saber swing, killed all non jedis in one swing, while in multi it took 2 which i think is the perfect number.. is is too little as a lucky shot can screw up a game, and any more than 2 could take 2 excellent saberists a looong time to play. a few more combos could be cool the use button + mouse is a ggod idea by someone... :cool:

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About the "more moves", they could just be randomizing a bit. Say if you hit pri fire + stafe you'll get one of three moves that have the same damage and range, but look differant.


Im sure though that they will work on the jump + saber though. In JK secondary always made the same swing but primary could make differant swings depending on other imput. I'm guessing that why will add some varienty to the secondary fire as well. Over all though, I don't think the saber controls themselves with be changed much.

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Guest Vagabond

Hey, Matthew Hutchinson, if you'd care to put your money where your mouth is, we'll see who the dead meat actually is. Let me know, and we can hook up for some MotS.

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On the subject of more moves, if they added different animations for the same attack that would be terrible. This time around you are able to see what is happening in fast paced combat much better, even on a fuzzy video that was shot in 3 minutes.


So with that in mind I think Raven should include enough different attacks that they dont need to add different animations for the same attack. The one exception is if they have a standard forward attack, it will probably slash diagonally down as seen in the E3 footage, so it will slash downward right to left and then left to right. Nice touch as it would start over the other side if you had just slashed, cant remember if JK did this and it just looks much better or not.


Anyway, if the saber is to be based on skill you dont want a random system. It could have worked in JK because it really didnt matter, but in the Q3A engine with the possibility of per-pixel collision detection it is going to matter which direction and what angle it comes from. A saberist would want to be sure of what the attack he was going to perform would do, as timing is hopefully quite important this time around.


As for jumping and attacking, I hope it produces one direct downward slice ala Obi-wan in TPM (I think), any other attack would be useless as it would be better from the ground. This was the problem with JK, jumping wouldnt help in a "real" saber fight, quite the opposite it would be a disadvantage as it would leave you very open. If jumping left you vunerable it would promote less jumping, it would only really be useful as an opener before proper combat.

And yes, this is all off the original topic.

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Originally posted by Vagabond:

<STRONG>Hey, Matthew Hutchinson, if you'd care to put your money where your mouth is, we'll see who the dead meat actually is. Let me know, and we can hook up for some MotS.</STRONG>


You're on, Banta breath! ;)


I've got the next two days off after work tonight at 8:00pm Central.


ICQ: 14384201


Be sure to identify yourself and refrence this topic when you message me.

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