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Anyone going to QuakeCon to see Jedi Outcast in action?


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Hoekstra's latest .plan file:


Name: Kenn Hoekstra

Email: khoekstra@ravensoft.com

Description: Project Admin

Project: General

Web Page: Kenn's Web Site

Last Updated: 08/07/2001 18:10:04 (Central Standard Time)


August 7th, 2001 - I'm off to QuakeCon. I'll be showing SoF2

at the Activision booth all weekend with guest appearances by

Rick Johnson, Brian Raffel and Jim Hughes. Hopefully I'll

actually get to SEE some of the events going on.


As it turns out, LucasArts WILL be showing Jedi Knight 2 at

QuakeCon. It sounds like it will be done in hour-long

presentation format in one of the meeting rooms there several

times over the course of the event. Sorry...no floor demo or

hands-on this time around. But, the game will be there in all

of its glory with plenty of LucasArts/Raven/Activision folks

to answer your questions.


See you there...




[ August 07, 2001: Message edited by: Wilhuf ]

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I just posted a new topic without seeing yours

I deleted it


Of course I wont go, but I have hopes that well get some intersting information from that show, from the previews so far, It looks like the game is shaping great, so there will be lots of people trying to get a review.

Hopefully we get some new pics (preferably using weapons :)) and maybe more details about weapons, force powers and mp modes

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Great that they're doing a presentation and all, but it really is too bad LEC couldn't decide about presenting until just a day before the convention. I would probably have flown down to Mesquite to see it if I could get a decent 30-day advance airfair. :cool:

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Guest ZeroXcape

I honestly would have too... It kinda bugs me they didn't announce this earlier. It's closed door, but we're working on getting a reporter inside.

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Originally posted by ZeroXcape:

<STRONG>It kinda bugs me they didn't announce this earlier.</STRONG>

Try to understand that QuakeCon is a completely foreign event to LucasArts. They've never shown anything there, and as far as they understood, it was just an annual LAN party. Hence it took them a while to warm up to the idea. Hopefully you guys will still get the scoop!

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Well, I'm glad they (LucasArts) warmed up to the idea... even if it was at the last minute... ;)


I'm not going... no time and no money... :D


I would like to see a nice "in depth" report though! :cool:


God.. I have to drink less coffee... look at all those stupid smilies...



and BAM another one... :mad:


[ August 07, 2001: Message edited by: Roger ]

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Guest ZeroXcape

Vertigon: Heh, we honestly heard that same thing: that LEC thought it was a LAN party. It's funny to hear someone else confirm it.


I don't expect LEC to be Quake pros, but I just assumed JKII would give them an excuse to walk in with their heads high.


It'll be interesting to see what happens with JKII, but now I'm hearing it is the same build from E3. If that's the case, I'd be more interesting in hearing what news Raven plans on releasing... if anything.


(Someone needs to confirm/deny these Q4 rumors ... they are going to begin taking over these forums at the rate they're growing :rolleyes :)

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Dammm i wish i could go, hell i woulda sold my mother to go to E3, but living in ****in little New Zealand all the way down by Australia, its kinda along way to go.. not that thats a problem. but the 3-4 grand needed is.. oh well :( hope some of you guys make it, so you can somehow convey the wonder and amazement, that most of us are gonna have to wait another year for.. :cool:

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LucasArts and Activision will present a special showing of the E3 demo of Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast


That sucks


[ August 08, 2001: Message edited by: digl ]

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I have the same problem with the late announcment. I live in austin and was planning on going to qcon but unfortunatly i have to work. If I would have known about jk2 earlier I would have found someone to cover my shift Wtf LUc ASS Arts? First the crappy starwars title now this late jk2 anouncement. GL Stop playing with our heads! :mad:

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LucasArts and Activision will present a special showing of the E3 demo of Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast



Originally posted by digl:<STRONG>

That sucks</STRONG>


Would you rather have them make more demos or would you rather have them finishing the game?


[ August 09, 2001: Message edited by: Astrakhan ]

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I'd rather have them tell us ahead of time about the demo, make the presentation, and then get back to working on the game.


In any case, Raven were originally going to QuakeCon to present Soldier O' Fortune II, not Jedi Outcast. So, diverting staff resource for that purpose was going to happen, Jedi Outcast demo or not.


I'm glad LEC decided to go ahead with the demo at Quakecon. Get noticed by the Quake community.

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Originally posted by Wilhuf:

<STRONG>In any case, Raven were originally going to QuakeCon to present Soldier O' Fortune II, not Jedi Outcast. So, diverting staff resource for that purpose was going to happen, Jedi Outcast demo or not.</STRONG>

The actual act of attending Quakecon and demoing the product isn't what I'm talking about. In fact, I don't even think the guys who are going are on JK2 anyway... The big time-eater when you make a new build for public demonstration is all the work it takes to get everything in order. Raven has to find a good point to lockdown the code, get together the assets, burn a test CD, and test the features that will be shown. Even then, they run the risk of crashes (which are very bad at a public showing) if they try running it on a machine they hadn't tested on previously. That's a lot of effort that isn't spent making the game better. I imagine that using the E3 build was the best way to show the game at a small event like Quakecon (in comparison to E3).

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