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Jedi coucil members aer the staff,


Jedi Knights is a post based rank, I.E when you hit so many posts you change rank (thats not an excuse to start spamming)


Merc is the rank you start on


The ranks are not important anyway, they don't count for anything.


enjoy your stay!



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Guest Vagabond

Wombat3, please refrain from calling peoples' posts and questions as stupid. There are no dumb questions or posts. If there were, then many might characterize this very thread as falling into that category.


We have a friendly community here, and we intend to keep it that way. Thank you for your cooperation.

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I think everyones ideas are good ideas....better than not having ideas at all...anyway, this is a good topic. I would like there to be more than one level, so we could experiance the visuals from differne locations. Star Wars environments are great eye candy, and I would hate to see this limited to one level. However, I think there could be 4 major locations and have one seamless type level, for each environment. I'm not a huge fan of small mission based levels( not for this platform anyway), so lengthing advenure based levels with allot of action and story line would be great! :D

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