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Guest xwing guy

Are you a NRA member?  

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Originally posted by xwing guy

Let me tell yall this. *points to sig* If yall are anti-gun then you are unpatiotic. Why you ask? Because having the right to bear arms is one of our freedoms that no matter what you anti-gun people do or say, you can't take them away and even trying to take away our guns or not excirsing that right, is unpatriotic.


Okay lets start this off with saying that ammendments can be repealed...it is one of America's FREEDOMS...America is supposed to change with the times. To stay Free. Certain FREEDOMS that have since been repealed are ones like the right to have slaves...trying to take away are slaves in unpatriotic??? Have fun preaching that to an African American...


In a lot of cases, when a crimnal tries to rob a store or something, if somebody just points a gun at them is enough to make most crimnals stop and wait till police arrive, all without firing a shot. In some cases, however, a crimnal will pull a gun, knife, or some other weapon on someone, then the victim can shoot the crimnal, and usually does.


and the crimanal will shoot the victim...Police always say it is NEVER smart to threaten a criminal especially if they are insane...it will just make them panic...and I think you know what happen when people feel trapped...they fight like they never have before...the victim then really becomes the victom as their gravestone will say "he died in defence of his local Texico"


Now you say, why don't they use bean bag, or rubber bullets like the police do? Because its hard for the average citizen to get a hold of is one reason, and if yall find a place that sells rubber or bean bag bullets, let me know.


I think Tasers are pretty easy to find now...MACE you can find at Wal Mart...But you wouldn't know because the only thing you go to find for defence are GUNS!!! Look before you leap...


The other is that in most cases when a victim shoots the crimnal, the victims life is being threaten and also probably because the crimnal deserves to be shot. Thats right, some people deserve to die.


Yeah...My state has the death penalty but it is not for the public to decide who will die and who will not...some criminals go to Jail and come out normal human beings including some of the most prosperous people in America...no wouldn't it be horrible if they went and robbed a house but instead of calling the Polce for help they just hauled off and shot them right between the eyes??? Bye bye potential wife and kids...bye bye any second chance...


Now look what you made me do!!! You made me flame you...:mad: Dang it...:mad:

I TOLD YOU SO, but you wouldn't listen...

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Taking guns away from the public will do little if anything to keep criminals from having guns, and I am sure most members of the NRA would never think of hunting illegaly. Just because a few people did something wrong does not mean that the organization itself is bad.

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The organization doesn't think it's bad anyway...but they are constantly pushing for easier gun laws (to get more money and costomers) any pushing for more and more powerful guns...yet those very guns they push for fall into the hands of potentail criminals everyday and knowing that they have the means to commit a crime and they think they are invicible with the weapon so it makes them feel more secure in commiting a crime that the could "easily get away with" at least in their minds...

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Guest xwing guy
Okay lets start this off with saying that ammendments can be repealed...it is one of America's FREEDOMS...America is supposed to change with the times. To stay Free. Certain FREEDOMS that have since been repealed are ones like the right to have slaves...trying to take away are slaves in unpatriotic??? Have fun preaching that to an African American...


Ok. let me say that not only is the right to bear arms a freedom, its an admentmant(sp?) And admentmants can't be taken away.

pushing for more and more powerful guns...


When was the last time YOU saw a full automatic weapon for sale? Get your facts straight before you go off flaming something or somebody.

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well amen to that.

and this mod will only stop this stuff if there's a solid reason to. Remember guys, you don't HAVE TO respond to a discussion that you feel goes awry or against your opinions.


I don't second the opinion that some people 'simply deserve to die, period'. It is highly possible that having guns legalized got them in a position to have that said about them in the first place.

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Guest WC_heavyarms

They should limit SOME POWERFUL HANDGUNS, that is it. THey usually use weapons bought on the black market of the 3rd world. I will not mention any. Ever seen a guy rob a bank with a deer rifle. maybe s-guns, 2.

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"IF you are against guns than you are unpatriotic"


I have never heard such bull**** in my life. Preach on, Brother Fergie. I say they should at least ban guns from Children and convicted fealons.. But that would be too good.


Now MASTA may be very conservitive, but I happen to be very Liberal. (How interesting since we seem to agree on everything). If you think you need a gun to protect yourself, than your paranoid. I'm really against killing except in Video Games.

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Ok, I think Guns are part of our freedom if we ban them, we are taking away from our rights as American citizens. Sure guns take lives, but they also protect good and decent people from being killed. Its how the PERSON uses it. People need to be educated on how to use a gun properly and need to gain a certain respect for it. A person can use a Car as a weapon too, does that mean we should ban cars too? Cars can do a lot more damage then a gun can.

Fergie I think your wrong in your statement saying that people are pushing for more powerful weapons. If anything we are doing the opposite. Just the other day I saw how law enforcement agencies are taking a more non-lethal approach (ie using rubber bullets).

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Originally posted by Kvan

Ok, I think Guns are part of our freedom if we ban them, we are taking away from our rights as American citizens. Sure guns take lives, but they also protect good and decent people from being killed. Its how the PERSON uses it. People need to be educated on how to use a gun properly and need to gain a certain respect for it. A person can use a Car as a weapon too, does that mean we should ban cars too? Cars can do a lot more damage then a gun can.

Fergie I think your wrong in your statement saying that people are pushing for more powerful weapons. If anything we are doing the opposite. Just the other day I saw how law enforcement agencies are taking a more non-lethal approach (ie using rubber bullets).


GAH! You were shot at by the police, Kvan! :eek: Where did you learn 'bout rubber bullets?

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Guest Luke Skywalker

X wing and other gun peoples. Do you ever read history. If you do or did then you would know that in the war of 1812 the right to bear arms waas formed so that the idea of minutemen would become a reality and the British would not we successful in oppresing the rebellion. It was basically Canada against the US, and Canada had the upper hand. Imagine that, Canada with a military.


I live in Canada so we have gun regestration. Im not against guns but Im for registration of them. That way if any killers used a registered gun it can be traced back to them or the owner which will help out the police and take some of the work load off of the CFSIU (criminal forensic science investigation unit) that your tax dollars go towards paying for. So to repeate myself. Im ok with guns that have registration.

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Originally posted by Luke Skywalker

X wing and other gun peoples. Do you ever read history. If you do or did then you would know that in the war of 1812 the right to bear arms waas formed so that the idea of minutemen would become a reality and the British would not we successful in oppresing the rebellion. It was basically Canada against the US, and Canada had the upper hand. Imagine that, Canada with a military.


The right to bear arms was made an ammendment before the War of 1812 occurred. Also, the US attempt at concourring Canada was halfhearted at best :eek:

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Ok so I made a typo in saying during oh well. Im glad to see that atleast one person knows a little bit of history. :rolleyes:

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Guest xwing guy

Yes, I have read history and I was gonna post something about the militia and that other stuff. I'm against gun registartion because it might work in Canada, but here in the U.S. crimnals will get guns smuggled in, off the black market, ect... Also, the idea for gun registration here in the U.S. was so the government would know where you are and stuff, so it would be easy for them to come and take your guns. Kvan, I should have thought up a post like that a while ago. Gun safety is very important by the NRA's standards.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

yah, he made a typo, everyone does. I make em all they time. So cut him some slack. Oh and Xwing I very highly disagree with you there and Im for guns (with registration of course)

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Originally posted by xwing guy


Ok. let me say that not only is the right to bear arms a freedom, its an admentmant(sp?) And admentmants can't be taken away.


have you been to Civics yet??? Aparently not...Amendments CAN be taken away...how do you think we got rid of slavery??? That was an amendment way back when...they have since CHANGED the amendment. You may take away an amendment with a 70% vote from both houses of Congress...Like I said earlier America was made by our for fathers to CHANGE with the times...we should have changed YEARS ago, but there was the NRA and their powerful backing of half-wits and holagans(and a few nice little members of society) They just couldn't be parted from their precious rifles and pistols they got durring WWI...So America wasn't able to go against it...they tried the same thing after WWII...but to no avail...the other day I was watching TV and do you know what I saw Common Crimanls using??? Bulet Proff vests and MI Grand Rifles they got at an Army surplus store...


When was the last time YOU saw a full automatic weapon for sale? Get your facts straight before you go off flaming something or somebody.


Fully automatic weapons are available to the public for a small fee...

1) The Person must attain an automatic Weapons liscense...not too greatly hard

2) The Person may then purcase them from a local army suplus store who either has them on stock or can ship it in shortly...all they do is pay a bit more on their taxes to attain one...


BTW, I was talking about higher caliber weapons such as AK-47s which are and have been available to the public...they just have the flash suppressor off and the gun is made semi automatic...

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Guest Luke Skywalker
Originally posted by DSEMPERORVIPER

Dont call me stupid cause I'm not what the **** is NRA stand for


Can you type that again I did quite understand it.

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