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Return to Castle Wolfenstein MP Test


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I guess it's out. Good for some of use to take our anger out on Nazis. ;)


However, it the wait at Fileplanet is 235 minutes which is quite honestly astounding. It's only like 63MB's. I would leave the computer on over night to get it, but my gaming box is broken (damn that Asus A7A) so it ain't worth it.


If someone actually gets it, post impressions. Hopefully it is not a glorified Day of Defeat.

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I got it no worries, but im from nz, and used a local server so it was sweet. The game is pretty cool, im loving the skins (cant wait to see jo's skins) the gameplay is pretty cool, and the weapons take a little bit o gettin used to. the icons which tell ya if ya can use something are pretty straightforward, find n unlaggy server and enjoy.. i dunno if its like any mods, living so far away from the states, there are no servers to play them on, so i dont bother downloading them... but its not bad... what does anybody else think?

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Thanks for the link, Darth Simpson... I was getting tired of waiting on that Fileplanet line...


I wonder if my Matrox is powerful enough to run it... :(

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Guest Sherack Nhar

I tried it for a few minutes...


It's still too buggy for my tastes. Especially the netcode. I found no servers that had a ping below 250 ms. Way too laggy to be enjoyable. And it skips too.


The graphics are okay, but it's so dark it's kinda hard to judge.


Overall, the test is so-so.

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Yeah, it is pretty buggy still. I've been disconnected a few times too many.


Here's a tip. Bring down the console, and type in '/rate 7000'. Should smooth things out, and reduce the skipping movement other players has, as well as smooth out the netcode. You could try other numbers as well, but I guess it depends on your connection. Thanks to the posters over at BluesNews for this tip.

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Guest ZeroXcape

Man, I should have known ya'll would be looking for the Wolf MP test. If anyone is still interested in getting it (w/o the hassel and annoyance of FilePlanet) - drop by #wolfenstein on <a href="http://www.efnet.org/">EFNET</a>.


I'm an operator there and can pretty much help out w/any problems you are having. We also have a huge list of mirrors that no one else on the internet has. It's made up of channel goers, so you're sure to get excellent speeds. If you connect, msg me when you get there ;)

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I would say it is worth downloading. From what I've seen it looks to be pretty sweet... I just have o fix my gaming rig.


And yeah, we keep on hearing the terrorist stuff down here. Delray Beach is about 40 minutes away from where I live, if that. We used to play baseball all star tourneys down there. Miami is about an hour or so away. Pretty scary when you think about it, such close proximity to them.

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Return to Castle wolfenstein is riddled with flaws.


The netcode is shocking!! The lag was the worst i've ever seen.


The whole game lacks that gritty realistic feel of Day of Defeat (a half life mod). In fact wolfenstein itself looks like a very poor Q3 mod. It's too bouncy and jumpy to be taken seriously. The gun reload animations are pathetic compared to counter-strike, and DOD. It just doens't look right.

For some reason you can't hit the floor like in DOD. You know get down on your stomach and shoot. Wolfenstein has major problems.


I hope JK2 doesnt suffer from the Q3 engines fake phony feel. Thats the best i can describe it.

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I think this whole business of delaying movies, taking games off the shelves (MS flight simulator) and so fourth is really just showing the we have given in to the terroism


It shows we are weak, and can't function normally. DAMNIT PPL!! We gotta show that this hasn't hurt us at all.


Those stupid robe wearing towel heads can continue their 3rd world, stoneage civiliastion. I think the U.S should just pull out all their forces from the middle east, and let them fight and war eachother for years.


The pilots of the planes were promised some awefully weird rewards.

When they die, they would have access to 72 of the finest virgins? They would be spared the day of judgement? I mean seriously, can't they tell the difference between good and evil? Do they any sense of the word Morals? Or they just too uneducated, and brainwashed to know what is good and what is bad. The difference between helping mankind, and destroying a bit of civilization.


[ September 19, 2001: Message edited by: Darth Lunatic ]

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Guest Celestial

Castle Wolfenstein is not a Quake 3 MOD nor does it resemble one, so please stop talking out of your ass.


I havent had one problem with it, however I agree that the network code needs work.


Drive through.


[ September 19, 2001: Message edited by: Celestial ]

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Guest Krayt Tion

Please show some respect and use some common sense. As a colleague of mine once said, these forums are not a platform for hate speech. Right now you are walking a very thin line with your expression "Those stupid robe wearing towel heads."


What you refer to is a Turban and it is a traditional Muslim head dress, though you will often find Hindus and Sikhs wearing them as well. You could also be refering to a Kafia (sp), a traditional Arab head dress found all throughout the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Israel to name a few.


In case it is not clear by now, you've just called all peoples of multiple religions and many residents of a large, diverse region stupid and expresed the hope that they kill each other. Consider this your warning.


FYI, most of the people you've implicated have little or nothing to do with the terrorist attacks on the US. The large majority of 1.3 billion Muslims around the world are not to blame for these attacks in the slightest. Same goes for the Arabs or quite laughably the Hindus. Propogating stereotypical hostility is about the quickest way to get banned around here these days, so again, let's not see any more of this.

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Guest Celestial
Originally posted by Darth Lunatic:

<STRONG>It's just my opinion.


I can't help it if i think the game looks 3rd rate.</STRONG>


Yah you can simply by following these rules:


1) Don't play it

2) Don't whine about it


[ September 19, 2001: Message edited by: Celestial ]

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