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Obi-Wan on GameCube?


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For all those disappointed Obi-Wan fans: I have an idea.


Look at this comparison of controllers:



As you can see, there are many similarities. 2 thumbpads, a D-pad, etc...


Now we get to ask ourselves the almighty question...Is a GameCube port of Obi-Wan likely?


I'd buy it if it does. I'll already have a `cube because I know I'm getting one(and Rogue Leader) for Christmas.


Would you go back to OB1 if it's not on M$ hardware?


EDIT: HTML img tags refused to function. Had to kill img tags.


[ October 17, 2001: Message edited by: matt-windu ]

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I've heard the GameCube controller is about the best controller ever created while the X-Box's is TEH SUCK.


But I could care less, I'm not getting either. Like Simpson, the new Zelda pretty much ruined any likelihood I would get it.... I refuse to spend $200 on a console for a single game, RSII.

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The top controller looks like a fisher price children's toy, the bottom one looks like a japanese radio.


Heh, just had to make fun of the controllers (a time honored console tradition). ; )


They had some Xbox controllers and empty boxes on display at our local software store.. can you say HYPE? Oh, they finally did get a non playable video deal (that played looping cutscenes essentially) for the Xbox, big whoop. They got Gamecube boxes too. Looks like nintendo and m$ are getting their shelf space in early (2-3 months?).



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I played Abe's Oddessee at Electronics Boutique the other day, and I must say I was impressed. The Dead or Alive 3 demo looked phenomenal.


I have one problem though, the X-Box controller is just about the clunkiest, most awkward and clumsy controller to date.


Playing a game like Tony Hawk on X-Box will suck donkey dink.


I don't think there will ever be another controller as good as Playstaion's.

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