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Ultimate Jedi Knight II Rig?

Guest ZeroXcape

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Guest ZeroXcape

Anyone interested in seeing a feature regarding an "Ultimate JKII Gaming Machine?"


I'm ordering parts for a computer/server this week, so I figure while I am at it: I can snap a few pictures and make a sweet feature out of it. It'll easily be one of the best computers you can on the market right now ;)


Any takers?

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Guest Krayt Tion

Go for it, except I need to point out that any 'Ultimate' JK2 Rig built in the next month will be dethroned by the time the game actually ships. Even if you have dual procs, 64-bit bus architecture mobo, 2.5 Gigs of quality RAM, SCSI RAID w/ the fastest 15000 rpm drives, etc, there will certainly be faster procs and better graphics cards (read: Radeon 8500 and definitely GeForce 3 Titanium aka Ultra, plus Northwood P4) out by the time you get the game.

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Yea exactly, would be interesting to read though. Anyway, whatever you think is the best today, will be out of date tommorow.


Also PC games are going to suffer. The specs are getting too high. Look at max payne, that needed about 900Mhz to run fine without any problems. People just cant keep up and its getting worse. To get what these games need just costs too much, and by tommorow its out of date anyway :(. Im getting the 1.4Ghz Athlon now, the best chip in the series, by January the 1.5Ghz will be out, and mine will be out of date :(

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Guest Krayt Tion

My poor P3 933, I remember when you where the king of the mountain. What a premium I paid for you. Seems... like... yesterday.


This nerd sob story has been brought to you by KLEENEX®

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