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basketFC ...welcome to the forums. :D


As for Endor...or the moon of Endor...does the size really matter? I mean, our own Moon is a fair size in relation to the Earth, but the satellites of other planets in our Solar system are all shapes and sizes.


Mind you...we don't have to put up with Ewoks. *shudders* ;)

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well truce at bakura seems to stick in my head, but lemmie pull out my guide to the SW universe... hmmm, contridiction... i guess my first guess was wrong... according to RotJ and the Dark Force Rising Source Book, the Forest Moon of Endor orbits a planet named Endor, but according to the Ewoks animated TV series, Endor moon orbits a planet Tana, which orbits a binary sun. ...of course anything written after 1994 (when this was published) could also contridict this info.... so matt, you are in agreement with my book...


[ October 24, 2001: Message edited by: acdcfanbill ]

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