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I'm back!

Guest Vagabond

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Guest Vagabond

Okay, everyone...I'm finally back. Had some difficulties with my current employment situation...the dot-com bust kind of screwed things up at work, so I've found other employment. This is the main reason for my absence, which some of you may or may not have noticed.


Anyway, I should be back on active duty in short order, so you can expect new columns in the near future - now then, what should I write about ;)

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Guest Krayt Tion

Write about whatever your little heart desires. :cool:


Funny that you are checking in when I must be checking out. Good luck with things then.

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Finally! Maybe we'll find the time to carry out a little XWA 1vs1 game someday :)


Why don't you talk about Galactic Plumberman? I'd love to see how you could fill up an entire topic just talking about him!

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