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You know you have had to much Star Wars when.......


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You know when you have had to much Star Wars when....


A) You still wave your hand infront of the automatic doors at the grocery store


B) You try to use the force to bring that toilet paper roll, that is just out of reach.


Anyone else....... :D

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You try using force grip on your math teacher every time she says your answer was wrong.


You have the urge to tell anyone you get in a fight with that you are they father.


You can't resist making humming noises every time you hold a flash light.


You check for new messages on this forum more than 10 time a day. (I'm guilty :p)


[ October 04, 2001: Message edited by: Seryl Cann ]

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

With a very serious face, while subtly waving your hand, you say the officer: "I was not speeding. I can go about my business."


You get a strange urge to kiss your sibling. :D

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Originally posted by Rogue15:

<STRONG>when you think you go into a toys r us and grab the lightsaber and make humming noises and attack innocents with it.</STRONG>


Being a Toys R Us employee, i thorougly enjoy having lightsaber battles with other employees and unsuspecting customers :)


I got in trouble the other night though... one of the assistant managers and I were having a saber jousting competition on trolleys.... and the manager came along :)

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When more than half of your bookmarks are somehow related to Star Wars....

You might have too much Star Wars.


When your reading this list, and all youre thinking is "I'm guilty"...

You might have too much Star Wars.


If you dress up as a Star Wars character for halloween, every year...

You might have too much Star Wars.


If you dress up as a Star Wars character and pretend to be him/her when youre alone in the house...

You might have too much Star Wars.


If you play with your toy saber, and get caught doing it on multiple occasions...

You might have too much Star Wars.


If the only song you know how to play is "The Imperial March"...

You might have too much Star Wars.


If your personal philosophy coincides with Jedi philosophy...

You might have too much Star Wars.


If you constantly search for Star Wars mods for your non-Star Wars games...

You might have too much Star Wars.


If your best advice to your friends was quoted from the movies...

You might have too much Star Wars.

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You try to use "Force Push" to clear a traffic jam ahead of you...


You try to use "Force Choke" on the Jacka$$ that just cut you off...


You spend days trying to figure out how to get your "Lego Droidworks" R2-D2 to shoot your Obi-Wan Lightsabre to you(while you're attempting a forward somersault)...


You reply more than once to this thread...

>>Ummm....Errr....Ahhh nevermind<< ;)



[ October 10, 2001: Message edited by: KordKelly ]

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You suddenly have the urge to slice things up with a lightsaber. (guilty)


You buy a whole album of star wars sheet music for the piano. (guilty)


You can play the Imperial March. (guilty)


About half your games are from Lucasarts. (guilty)


You have absolutely no difficulty thinking of more things to post in this topic. (just ran out of ideas)

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Guest Boba Rhett
Originally posted by SuperStupidStormie:

<STRONG>-When you name any of your children after a Star Wars character (eg Mara of Han)


-You quote Yoda when someone says "I'll try"</STRONG>


LOL. I actually am planning on naming my daughter, Mara Jade. :D And that's the only reply I give when someone says they'll try. :D



....when you fall alseep at night, the last thing yo see is a lifesize Mace Windu looking down at you. "Try waking up to that everyday!"

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I dont know stephen if you call out Mara jade, while having sex, I dont think Rosie Palms would get upset do you? hehe jk.


I still like, useing the force to try and pull the toilet paper roll closer, you know when sometimes its just out of reach.


And not just waving your hand in front of automatic doors at the grocery store, but in front of the electric urinals in bathrooms

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