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Violent Videogames DO CAUSE VIOLENCE (funny)

Guest Rogue15

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Scott Miller, Software Designer:

“Blaming video games, movies or music wrongly shifts responsibility away from the person who committed the act and the person's custodians. We seem to live in a society in which people do not accept personal responsibility."


Matt Grose:

“The entertainment industry is not responsible for raising your kids. They are there to entertain people, that is their job and it is what they are paid to do. What they are not paid to do is, tell your kids the difference between right and wrong, baby-sit them, or make sure your children are not getting into trouble. I am not trying to say that parents are fully responsible for their child's actions. But I now know, it is not the entertainment industry's fault that these things happen in our society.”

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What everyone fails to mention...


A study was done at UC Berkley a couple of years ago...


Two sets of students were separated...Group A played Quake II for two hours...Group B read Psychological papers on the effects of Video Games and Violence...


After the time alloted, groups A and B were rejoined, hooked up to mild electrodes, and subjected to external stimul...


Group B, as a whole, subjected their peers to longer jolts of electricity than did their counterparts in group A...


Conclusion: Psychological reports on Violence causes more violent reaction than do Video Games...


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I had always thought it had been established that 'violent' video games do tend to INCREASE AGGRESSION in CHILDREN, according to several tests.


Now that doesn't say it makes people into serial killers. Heck, I know people who get their blood pressure up listening to techno music, or watching professional televised sports. All that says is that if you want your kids to be really rambunctious, lay on the Soldier of Fortune, et al.


Other studies found that putting lots of gratiutous graphic sex and violence into prime time tv, meant that adults could recall less of the commercials (even when forced to watch every commercial ad shown during the time period) when the content was more extreme than when it was more tame.


And all that says is that people store that stuff in their mind because it leaves more of an impression on them, which is good for the people showing the violent/sexy flicks, but bad for the advertisers ($$$).


I'm all for parents regulating what their kids take in as entertainment, especially when they are really young, setting limits, and teaching them right from wrong, fantasy from reality, etc. I think realistic ratings systems should be available to give the consumer a good idea of what to expect. But I think ultimately adults should have the choice what they (and for their children) want to view.


I would be curious to see the documents for that study above, as I thought such tests were declared unethical, even if the 'electric shocks' were fake.


Those kinds of tests can cause severe emotional trauma on subjects, which is why they haven't done any like that in decades (according to my Psych 101 class which I took a couple of years ago anyway).


If you were just kidding, you forgot the sarcasm tag. ; )




[ October 27, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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Guest Rogue15



hehe. I think they should make it known on the back of the box if certain stuff is able to be turned off, like option to show blood/turn blood off. I can't get the sims games cause of the 'mature sexual themes' label on the back. :(

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I dont think that games cause violence, But I do think that they influence us in those ways. Its like music,Rap for instance. Its not the cause of violence but it heavely supports it. All you here about is drugs, sex, abuse to women, Getting girls pregnant and not taking care of the babies, How big and bad they are. Now let me ask you this question. Take a look at our country(USA) and tell me, Is it the music that inspires life, or is it life that inspires music. Either way young kids are being tought to continue the cycle.

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i enjoy my share of violent video games, but show me some nasty picture of, say a guy who fell off of the 10 floor of a building, or a self inflicted gunshot wound, and it just not the same. the game is fake, those other pictures are not... of course, games may take it too far someday, who knows... (brain scan anyone??)

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Originally posted by Kurgan:

I had always thought it had been established that 'violent' video games do tend to INCREASE AGGRESSION in CHILDREN, according to several tests.


Those are only the tests the press tells you about... ;)



I would be curious to see the documents for that study above, as I thought such tests were declared unethical, even if the 'electric shocks' were fake.


I've spent all night looking for the source...It was published in CGW a month or two after Columbine...


If you were just kidding, you forgot the sarcasm tag ;)




[sarcasm]Happy now??? ;)[/sarcasm]



[ October 28, 2001: Message edited by: KordKelly ]

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Well I'm just wondering because that kind of "evidence" conflicts with what I thought I knew from Psych 101, that's why I asked. I was curious to see for myself...


And anybody who's passed Psych 101 should recall.. correlation does not necessarily equal causation, which is why you need lots of independant tests and studies, etc.



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I've never taken Psych 101, but one thing I've learned in my four decades on this rock is this:


[rant]If any person goes out and commits acts of violence because Games, Movies, TV, Music, Cartoons, etc. told them to, that person had problems to begin with, and just need something to blame. People are too willing to blame other factors for their actions, and not accept the blame themselves, and popular media are too convenient a target. The result is we are not responsible for what we do, "something made us do it", and we become a race of victims.


One word of advice that was passed along to me years ago by a very sage individual...

"Be a man...If you f**k up, own up."[/rant]


Please, I am not trying to change anyone's outlook on life, or say anyone is wrong...no flames please...These are my opinions, and they've done me right for 40 years, so something must make sense in them ;)



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I guess where I stand is that everything we take in has some influence on us, as people, but what we do with that influence is up to us. Two people can have the same experience and react totally the opposite of each other, even when they have similar backgrounds.


So that tends to strengthen my belief in "free will" (which isn't necessarily absolute, but it's definately something I think exists for human beings).


Now the degree to which each person has that free will might vary. Somebody might be so mentally unbalanced chemically or whatnot that it might be very difficult for them to resist being provoked to do terrible things, and in that case caution should be exercised. But again, in order to protect the world from a few crazies, I still think it's more important to give the rest of the people freedom to make their own informed decisions, within a society.



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bottom line is this...parents have a responsibility to ensure their childs welfare and education...it doesnt matter if games, films or music promotes violence...it does matter if the parent doesnt teach the child the right things...i mean no matter what society or culture you are from...there is a common set of social rules ie killing is wrong, stealing is wrong etc...these can only be taught by those who the child has an attachment to...if there is no attachment then obviously the child will seek other influences...hence gang culture...any body watched the film "traffic"? that somes up the west's approach to everything - blame others for your own failings...

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Originally posted by Dante:

<STRONG>bottom line is this...parents have a responsibility to ensure their childs welfare and education...it doesnt matter if games, films or music promotes violence...it does matter if the parent doesnt teach the child the right things...i mean no matter what society or culture you are from...there is a common set of social rules ie killing is wrong, stealing is wrong etc...these can only be taught by those who the child has an attachment to...if there is no attachment then obviously the child will seek other influences...hence gang culture...any body watched the film "traffic"? that somes up the west's approach to everything - blame others for your own failings...</STRONG>


Well said...


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