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windows "me" bug???


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Guest Boba Rhett

Yes. The problem is called, "Windows ME" delete it immediately. :D


Seriously though. If you can, go back to 98 or wait for XP. Sorry I can't be of more help.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Yah its called Windows. Lol :p There are too many bugs for me to count. AN anti- MS site tryied to compile a list but there ASP server crashed. Lol :p Ironic isn't it. :D

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Guest Luke Skywalker

HHAHAH WC your hilarious. EVer heard of the following:


Linux (theres like 20 different versions, slackware is the best. :) )

Free BSD


There are so amny Ill try to find the list of alternatives I have that ARE ALL BETTER THAN WINDOWS OR FOR THAT MATTER ANY M$ PRODUCT!

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Guest Boba Rhett

All of those operating systems have their own strong points, includng Windows. None of them blow all the others out of the water in every way.

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Guest Luke Skywalker
Originally posted by darthfergie

Did you say Macintosh OS is better than Windows:eek:



MAC OS X has a UNIX based Kernel which leaves Windows as the last remaining (popular) OS to be VB based. Oh and compare reliablity and downtime with Linux and Windows. Linux is faster, is much more reliable, and to top it all off alot of versions of it are free as well as quality software. Oh and the only reason that windows has good compality with games is BECAUSE ITS THE MOST POPULAR OS BECAUSE M$ HAS A MONOPOLY!!!!! IT MAKES BUSINESS SENSE TO DESIGN PROGRAM TO RUN IN WINDOWS WHICH INCREASES M$'s MONOPOLY!!!! OH AND MOST PROGRAMS ARENT EVEN DESIGNED USING WINDOWS AS THE OS!!!!!!!!!! :mad:



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You know i realy had enough about arguing about wich OS is better.....

At my school in my class there are 10 people. we got 1 realy UNIX fan. 4 WINDOWS guys (including myself) and 3 who say MAC OS is the best. and 2 who dont give a ****.

But there is a constant fight going on over these OS 'ses. It is making me realy SICK.


Even my teachers fight about it. and i do mean FIGHT ABOUT IT.


But... my oppinion:


Our first comp was a 486 Windows 3.11.

Our second comp was a Pentium 100 Windows 95

Our third comp was a Pentium 600 Windows 98

My comp right now is a Pentium II 266 Windows 98


I grew up with Windows.... so i only know Windows and all the advantages in Windows..


At school i have to work with the Imac. i hated the thing at first.. but after a while you get used to it. so it is a matter with what you got introduced with from the beginning.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Luke Skywalker

There are so amny Ill try to find the list of alternatives I have that ARE ALL BETTER THAN WINDOWS OR FOR THAT MATTER ANY M$ PRODUCT!


Correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't AOK a microsoft product? Hmm....


Anyways, Win98 is the best OS. I have had since.....well, since i upgraded from 95 ;) and it is much better than all of those new ones that are oriented towards networks and businesses. I have a friend that has MAC OS, and i always make fun of him because his only argument is that it is better for graphic designing and junk. Besides, all he can play are SIM City games.


Also, i've had windows 98 for a long while, and i have not encountered many bugs at all. There is the occasional one, and my comp is just plain slow because i have like no RAM and a small hard-drive with lots of games, not because of Windows.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Ok... Wraith have you ever heard of ANTI-TRUST. Yah thats right, Windows is a copy of MAC OS. And your friends arguement is valid and thats basically the only real use for the OS. Secondly Ill give Gates and Baulmer (spelling?) the credit for using good buisness techniques because after all they own the best selling OS in the world so they would have to be excellent buisness men to handle that load especially when PC buying is at its climax. Tie Guy, Windows 2000 is possibly one of the greatest Network OS's out there so I should correct myself on saying M$ products are no good. XP may actaully impress me, and Im hoping it will because if M$ ever happens to make a solid Home OS that is totally user friendly it will benefit every computer user out there.


I still hate Gates:mad:. He will always remain in mind as the ultimate cult leader :evil3:

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


Correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't AOK a microsoft product? Hmm....


Anyways, Win98 is the best OS. I have had since.....well, since i upgraded from 95 ;) and it is much better than all of those new ones that are oriented towards networks and businesses. I have a friend that has MAC OS, and i always make fun of him because his only argument is that it is better for graphic designing and junk. Besides, all he can play are SIM City games.


Also, i've had windows 98 for a long while, and i have not encountered many bugs at all. There is the occasional one, and my comp is just plain slow because i have like no RAM and a small hard-drive with lots of games, not because of Windows.


No, your computer goes slow becasue of Windows rot. :D :D :D

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Originally posted by Luke Skywalker


MAC OS X has a UNIX based Kernel which leaves Windows as the last remaining (popular) OS to be VB based. Oh and compare reliablity and downtime with Linux and Windows. Linux is faster, is much more reliable, and to top it all off alot of versions of it are free as well as quality software. Oh and the only reason that windows has good compality with games is BECAUSE ITS THE MOST POPULAR OS BECAUSE M$ HAS A MONOPOLY!!!!! IT MAKES BUSINESS SENSE TO DESIGN PROGRAM TO RUN IN WINDOWS WHICH INCREASES M$'s MONOPOLY!!!! OH AND MOST PROGRAMS ARENT EVEN DESIGNED USING WINDOWS AS THE OS!!!!!!!!!! :mad:




The thing with Linux is it is really compatable with about 2 games...maybe not that many come to think of it...

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Ever heard of Tux's Racer? It was designed around the time Lunix came out and the graphics are around the same as GT3 for PS2. On a windows computer to play GT3 your would have to have a really nice grpahcis card with around 256 (maybe 128) megs or ram. And P3 at the least. With Linux you can do it all with a P2 at 200mhz and 96ram with a Linux graphics card (those are hard to find).

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Guest Darth G

well, all i can say is that XP is very stable, my friends tried means and ways to crash it, but no success


it's about time a Win os that works

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