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EPISODE II TRAILER LINK!! (not breathing)


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darn it. I was all excited about this film after seeing the Breathing trailer on Newsround. But that second trailer is pretty disapointing. I have been avoiding learning too much about the polot, but it looks like it is pretty poor. i see they are going back to Tatooine AGAIN.. sheesh..


i thought for a minute it was a faked up fan trailer... the SFX look to be about the standard of game cut scenes.. the lines seem pretty leaden too... "don't worry princess... er...we will protect you...er agian..er"


HOpefully the sfx will look better on a big screen... maybe it is just the PC file compression that is making them look like cutscenes.


(and the one-liners haven't improved from Ep1...)


damn it... i am being negative again... and i was so hoping not to be..


still, Ep1 had a cool trailer and sucked... this one has a poor trailer...maybe it will rock. Lets see what the Harry Potter Ep2 trailer is like...



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Originally posted by StephenG:

<STRONG>There is no way, in a 10000 years that i would ever see Harry Potter.</STRONG>


how come? :(

not only does it look like a pretty cool film (although effects look a bit average), but it was filmed in england, written by someone english and all the cast is english. (and all the profits will go to america :( )


and as if that isn't enough it will have an Ep2 trailer and (i guess) a Lord of the Rings trailer.


i am currently on the scrounge for someone young to take...but failing that i will have to take my parents :D

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