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The US Strikes Back


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Yeah, about time too. To all the people that were worried about Bush going overboard on military operations, how's a 26 day wait for you? That's pretty impressive patience.


And I saw the bin Laden video on CNN or MSNBC. He looked pretty freaky but I couldn't understand what the transaltor was saying.

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I saw the translation on TV. Basically he was saying that Americans should be afraid as long as they ( bin Laden ) don't feel safe. He also claimed responsibility for the attack on WTC/Pentagon. And that they are on a Holy Mission... :rolleyes:


I'm glad they're trying to get him, and his supporters.

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I only just learnt about it now, silly me

Too much Quake3

I think that not only the terrorists should get it but the Taliban should cop some too

I havent watched the video yet but does Bin Laden actually admitt it, if so i think u yanks should borrow some of our SAS and nip bin laden, not kill him, but scare him so that he is always looking over his shoulder

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