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Important to read, about graphics


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I just wanted to drop a line, and share this (which probably some of you have already read, but nevertheless...)


This is at the Gamespy preview/review:


Sights and Sounds -- Star Wars Style


Visually, the beta is a bit strange in that it looks very grainy at 800x600 resolution, but improves dramatically at higher settings. LucasArts says that the graphics in the beta are "not final" so hopefully this area will be tightened up a bit before launch.


So there it is. It's possible the graphics will be better. *hopes so*


Cool isn't it?

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Guest Darth G

well, i certainly hope that it would be better...


while playing GB, the graphics seemed to be of the same quaity of aoe2... i expected better


but now, i guess it definitely gonna be better

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Guest Darth_Nixon42

Yah, personally i never really cared that much about the graphics of a game, say over gameplay.


The demo's graphics were pretty good, but as many people have allready said, The beta's graphics werent the real deal and could look much better in higher res.


Regardless, people should play a game for their own reasons, but i always put gameplay over graphics.


Thats just me (:p )

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Guest WC_heavyarms

You don't think they can see grauny graphics? They will fix them. Remember too, the demo and its features were not locked.

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demo and beta, two different things, lets just wait until it comes out before passing judgement on things :) (apart from hovering ships :( )

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Guest Maul403

well since you cant change the screen resolution now in the demo, when the final comes out u will be able to so that'll make it better...i have a 1024x728 screen or something close to that and i played the whole game of AOE2 on a 800x600 seting and it was fine w/ me..i didint figure out that i could set it higher..lol so yesterday i did and the graphics look better but everything is smaller...so i like it at 800x600 :)

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