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Check this out! ASCI ANH!

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Its amazing

telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl and enjoy...


for you who dont know just open a ms-dos window and type telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl

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Yeah, that is pretty amazing. Talk about dedication...


If you insist StormHammer:


ded·i·ca·tion (dd-kshn)


1. The act of dedicating or the state of being dedicated.

2. A note prefixed to a literary, artistic, or musical composition dedicating it to someone in token of affection or esteem.

3. A rite or ceremony of dedicating.

4. Selfless devotion: served the public with dedication and integrity.


That is really quite impressive, of course isnt dedication sticking with something until finished, thus "dedicated". So while brilliant it may be, dedicated he wasnt. Just a thought.


Hehehe ;)


[ November 26, 2001: Message edited by: Syndrix ]

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