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Hey im new here but this problem just came up so i thought id see what your all like,so here goes.

Theres a friend of mine,weve been friends for a few months,ive fallen in love with her,so much I love her more than you could possibly imagine,yet i dont know how to tell her this,maybe you guys could help me out with somethin to say?

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Whoa, most newbies just ask for a welcome and a gift basket. :D *hands Captain a welcome gift basket* Inside you will find the meaning of life and what to say to a girl. If this doesn't work, consult the Oprah Message Boards, since I don't know how far you will get asking Star Wars gamers for love advice.


Nonetheless, welcome, welcome, welcome.

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I've told this to lot's of my friends and it gives them alot of courage because it teaches you to let go and put your emotions in the back of your head and do what you need to, you may laugh because it's about something serious but it will prabably also work too.


"What the hell, might as well." ;)

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