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I made Jedi Knight!


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nice one Letalis, but I BEAT YOU!!! j/k


To be a Jedi Knight, you need to hit 250 posts, but PLEASE do NOT go spamming to achieve this, it means nothing..


To get higher, like someone said you need to be an admin\mod. Hopefully there will be more one day so everybody has a goal to reach...



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Im at about 50 posts from becoming a Jedi

The number of ranks is probably a limitation from the forum system, or maybe Its too hard to change it because in all lg sites they have only two ranks (except admins and mods)

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Originally posted by wardz:

<STRONG>NO problem but some people can get a little excited when you mention ranks and they then have to start spamming to achieve it.






Don't I know it...

I've seen it happen on mpre than one board...


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