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New Forum Name Contest / Vote

Guest Aristotle

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Guest Aristotle

Okay... It's about time we gave this forum a new name... Theed Hangar was meant to be temporary. So... Lets get the names flowing and then we'll decide as a community. Now how's that for democracy on a web site? ;)


Seriously though... you guys should have a say in this.. so please list your suggestions for a new name. Of those I've seen listed so far.. I kind of like the sound of "Moldy Crow Cantina" and "Yoda's Swamp" ... but lets see what else people come up with.. then we'll vote.


Winner even gets an email @jediknightii.net to make it worth your while to think about a good name.


Good luck to everyone who participates.

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Well, seeing as we talk about anything and everything STAR WARS in here, and we are loads of people from all over the globe, the Cantina one seems to sum it up pretty nice. Or we could be traditional and call it something predicable but fancy like 'The Galactic Senate. But i vote Cantina.

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Guest ChrisC3po

Currently we are planning on taking the best five or so names from this thread and put them in next week's poll. So right now we are just getting names.

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Here are all the names that had been proposed


The Moldy Crow Cantina

WeeGee's Watering Hole

Baron's Hed Burger Bar

The Sulon Star Saloon

The Saber's Rest

Imperial Stomping Grounds

Rebel Rec. Room

Yodas Swamp

Center-point Station

Vader's asthma clinic

Nar Shaddaa Eatery (or bar or whatever)

No Rest for the Jedi

Idea Central

Arena of Ideas and Idiots

The Academy

Canyon Rim Congration

Barons Hed Creek

Valley of the Jedi

Tusken Tavern

Nar Shaddaa Grill & Bar

Wookie Woodstock

Smuggler's Bizarre

Scum of the Universe

Arena of Ideas...and Idiots

WeeGee Ouija Board

Team Fart Arena

Bantha Nightclub

Dagabar Disco

Leia's Love Shack

The Wretched Hive

Chewie's Chess Club

Palpatine's Powder Room

Imperial Outpost

Yavin 4


I like the moldy crow cantina, vader asthma clinic and Wookie Woodstock

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So we have had a few votes for "Vaders Asthma Clinic." Good work DIGL. :)


If some aren't used for the theed hangar, will they be used for the others ones?, eg editing, clans... cos something like "Watto's Workshop" would be great for editing...




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Yeah! Go for it! come on guys, it would be great for comic value.


I can imagine it already:


Vagabond - "I am going to move this topic over to Vaders Asthma Clinic because it is not JK2 related"


You KNOW you want to..



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Guest Vagabond

I like:


-The Wretched Hive (of scum and villainy)

-The Smuggler's Bizarre

-The Moldy Crow Cantina

-The Plumber's Hangout

-The Bespin Casino


...although I don't quite understand why Kyle's ill-fated ship would be converted into a drinking establishment.

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Guest Kurgan

A forum by any other name...


Well I guess anything that doesn't have "cantina" in it (it's good, but overused) is fine by me.


We could call it "The Carbon Freeze" you know, like the Tastee Freeze (Ice cream) joint. Nah.....


Just don't call it "Jar Jar's Alphabet Galaxy," heh.


Galactic Plumberman Memorial? Okay, I'll stop now. ; )



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