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What about the third trilogy?


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Guest Boba Rhett

He'll be dead before then. :o


Yes, Sidious is Palpatine. "DUUUUH" :p


Harrison hated his roll so much that he asked George to kill Han off the end of RotJ. Luckily, he loves playing Indiana Jones, And the next one already has scripts being written. :)

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here is my idea..

clone wars..

and since yoda and mace, too POWERFUL masters

didnt pick up on palpy at the burning ceremony

he obviously wasnt a dark lord of the sith YET!

he probably has a clone of him and sidious combined or something...it all makes sense for me...think about it

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Ya I sorta wondered why Yoda didn't feel a disurbance in the force at the funeral. Didn't Yoda say something about the darkside being hard to penetrate or something? Oh well, I guess it's just a story anway, so it might sacrifice a detail or two for the sake of the storyline.


Harrison Ford hated to play Han Solo? Argh that's hidious.

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Hmmmm.....I have an idea to solve the actor problem, by the time 2005 roles around 3D tech should be quite good, they could just take the orginal trilogy and make CGI models of 'em!


The voices are a little harder to solve I suppose, but since the charactors would be older I guess they might not have as much trouble.

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Maybe in some years actors wont be needed at all! But I doubt it


Now you mention it Boba, I had heard that he wanted Han to die

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