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It was fun as hell..but what disappointed me was like...I tested it out and I blew the floor out of this house thingy on their extra stuff and it didn't fall with the ground. So it was "floating" in mid air...They should change the physics and stuff to match geo-blow stuff up if they are going to have it.


[ August 11, 2001: Message edited by: Mafia_Jabba ]

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Guest Krayt Tion

I was fairly impressed with the geo-mod system... tried to dig to china, but was only allowed a certain number of missing chunks in a general given area.

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I believe you can allocate memory to geomod support. Increasing the allocation will allow you to dig more chunks out of the game environment, until the memory buffer is full.


This game badly needs a multiplayer demo. CTF with geomod should be a blast!

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Guest Krayt Tion

Ah yes I think I remember seeing that in the options before I went in game. I checked and it is officially called Geometry Cache (set to 8MB by default on my machine) in the out of game setup options. I wonder if that is the Video Card's RAM? Most newish cards today 'only' have 64 Megs of it... if so how much of your video card's RAM could you safely dedicate to the Geo-Mod system without taking a hit in FPS? ...This should depend on your other specs of course. It would be awesome if you could dedicate your real RAM to the Geometry Cache, for those of us with oodles of it that never gets used... but it does not look like this is the case. If you enter a number like 256 and it accepts it I would assume that this must your system's actual RAM you can dedicate to it, unless they failed to take this into account. This option is under Video settings and it deals with Geometry so I still think it must be your Vid Card RAM. Someone do some research on this if you are bored :)


Simpson what are your new machine's specs?


[ August 13, 2001: Message edited by: Krayt Tion ]

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Another question about the Geometry cache. I wonder how multiplayer handles different cache settings for different players? Will the lowest memory setting be used? The highest? How would the game reconcile differences.


For instance, if I want to blast a lot of holes and have the memory for it, I can. But will the other player with less memory not actually see or be affected by them? I'm sure that wouldnt be the case, but how would it be resolved?


Probably the cache is set to a standard amount in multi and that is the end of it.


Definitely looking forward to blasting holes in walls to fish out campin' fools. Or in ctf, blasting holes in escape routes to cover my egress with the flag. Or how about blasting an instant foxhole for defense? Or maybe blast a trench into the floor to hamper incoming flag cappers. Or blast a hole through the deck to attack the guy on the floor below or above you.


Gotta love the concept. Will be interesting to see if it delivers.

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This game is pretty cool. Very arcadish to me. Not that that bothers me. I didn't like the death animations, but I guess I'm spoiled after Max Payne. I'll probably pick this up if enough people get it... the geo mod thing works really well, and like Wilhuf said the possibilities are endless.

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It will probably be a standard in MP..but didn't they promise like water to flow into the new holes if it came from a different source too?


-Also..I think they should really fix the physics like how that building didn't fall even if you knocked everything out from under it...


-And how to they expect to keep newbies from blasting everything to hell in MP?

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