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Damm have you guys seent he new episode 2 trailer....


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Damm i just downloaded the new ep 2 trailer, it looks damm good, there is no way this is a fake, it looked awesome, i know this is slightly off the topic of jk2 but im guessin everybody here is looking to see the new movie.. in the corner it said www.theforce.net so im guessing its avaliable there.. i got it off imesh.. it means the movie is finally gettin closer, i hope personally it comes out about a week or 2 b4 the new game, although i think i may frighten the local games shop when i show up the night b4 release frothing at the mouth .. but hey, im sure i wont be alone.... :cool:

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Guest Krayt Tion

That's probably the fan trailer that some TFNers put together a while ago. Sorry :p


This is way off topic actually, so it's being moved. I understand that more people post in the Valley then the Swamp so the desire to have your thread read by a greater number of people is always there... but keeping things organized will be better for the forums in the long run when we have thousands of people in here after the release of the game.

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Yes, as other have said before me, this is a fan-made trailer. All this fan did was take some bluescreen footage off of starwars.com, and added in the backgrounds and lightsabers, then edited it.


I do agree, it is done very well. Maybe someday, I'll do something like that, and i think i will be within the next year. I've been planning my own SW fan-film for a while now, and i think im going to finally do it this year. Well, thats enough babble from me.

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WEll i have to say im dammwell impressed, id never seen these scenes b4, and was genuinely fooled if you guys are right that it is a fake.. i guess it shows the skill of some hardcore fans out there.. oh well :p

P.s sorry for postin in the wrong forum, was so excited, and was already in that one, i just rushed in and typed away.. wont happen again.. :D

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Guest Kurgan

Yeah, another thing about that trailer (and it even says this on TFN) is how the author used footage from other movies (with the actors that are reported to be in episode2) and modified them a bit to look as if it were part of Star Wars, etc.


Incidentally, I remember rumors early on that the real Episode II trailer was going to be shown with the remake of Planet of the Apes (this was a LONG time ago I heard this).


But I'm guessing it's not true...


Note: You guys can edit/delete your own posts. ; )



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