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For anyone who used Kazaa. Also another reason to switch to linux and open source.


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I just installed Kazaa yesterday I had no idea about those yellow links


I just uninstalled them


[ August 01, 2001: Message edited by: digl ]

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Good! I don't want little silly tags anyway. Let website's have their own little hyperlinks. It's what they're entitled to. I didn't like IE6 very much.

I want an OS that's stable, reliable and compatible!


BTW, I was wondering, should I get KaZaA, because I haven't decided on it yet. It's got too much media, IMHO. Why couldn't it just an MP3-swapping program.

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There are others outthere besides kazaa. Try Imesh, aimster, and maybe bearshare. Also maybe limewire or just do a search on gnutella. After reading that article, there is no freaking way I would use kazaa.


BTW There is a linux version of imesh in the works, and limewire has a linux client as well. There are several open source gnutella clients avaiblabe. It's hard to sneak crap like that in when it's made for no profit and people can looks at the source code hehe.

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Actually as far as I know, if you choose custom install with kazaa you can choose not to install TopText (the program that creates those tags). I don't know if they changed it in the current install, but the install of v1.2 has the option to turn it off.

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I always do custom installs if possible. Or welp, I used to before switching almost entirely to linux. I only use win for gaming, but that may change sooner rather then later. NVidia reports that linux gets higher framerates in 640x480 then a win box :)


Getting a little off topic there sorry. Anyway this is targeted at, no, takes advantage of the average Joe computer user who just hits the install button on the GUI.


Smart tags and the software kazaa uses are differant. Smart tags looks at key words and makes them into links. Links that M$ and it's "partners" want you to see. The software kazaa used actually alters the html of sites you browse and adds ads. Very sneaky, should be illegal but the big companies have a big say in the gov.


Another article I saw on slashdot revieled a new jave program that takes advantage of IE and actually changes your home page. Basicaly they are changing something on your private property (computer) with out your consent.


Now that should be illegal, but im sure they gov has $ on the brain and won't do a thing. Beside most politians are computer stupid and just don't understand what is going on. I think the case against M$ would have turned out differantly if the prosecuters were actually computer compitent.


BTW, to aviod having some website change your home page, use netscape not internet explorer and turn off java.

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BTW, to aviod having some website change your home page, use netscape not internet explorer and turn off java.


Yes people, use a now dead and unsupported product and stop using a really efficient programming language...


Come on...


I don't want to start a browser war here, but to tell people to use netscape is... a wait, you're using unix or linux...


Sorry about that and I feel sorry for you that you have to use that kind of crappy browser...


Again, just MHO... :cool:


[ August 02, 2001: Message edited by: Roger ]

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Roger, your name is now Micro$erf #265781378. Perhaps if you had tried the newer versions of the major linux distros without pi$$ing your pants at the first hint of a command line, you wouldnt have said that. Netscape is alive an well BTW. I have the flash and shockware plugins used by netscape and Konqueror so there isn't anything inferior about it.


Maybe you don't mind using an highly insecure brower (IE) that also happens to be a shell program (which is why it's so unsafe to use) and letting anyone who has the $ to pay programmers decide what YOU view every time you start to surf the net. Maybe you don't want to think for yourself but many of us do.

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No my name is Roger Kemp...


I think for myself and I like to use Microsoft product because they work and they are the only ones that support the software I use for my work (Apple does too, but I grew up using Microsoft).


I hope for the open source sake that they will stay small scale, because once they become large scale, people who are out to make money start to do the same things with Linux, Unix et al, as people are doing now with Microsoft.


If it becomes big, there is lots of money to be made off of it so people will make lots of money off of it.


Too bad this world isn't the idealistic place open source people want you to believe it is.

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That article on slashdot actually is made possible by almost any language. Namely JavaScript or VBScript. Java doesn't have any built-in homepage function, so it must have been used through a script. Otherwise, some sort of virus. Based on the text, i'd say script. That means their was a pop-up box saying, "Do you want to change your homepage to..." And the guy was to stupid to read it.

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