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I decided to pull a CaptainRAVE


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No offense. Just some news.


E-ink http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_1530000/1530678.stm


Looks interesting enough. Particles shifting position through electricity.


Let's see tv was invented in 1935(right?) and then was colorized in 1951. 16 years. I think we can get color e-ink before then. I'll give it 2 years from black and white debut.


UK kids cause minor earthquake http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_1530000/1530678.stm


I got a kick out of this. Any of you UKers feel anything?

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Nah. Didn't feel a thing.


I've already read the Electronic Paper article. It's pretty good stuff - and I agree that colour won't be far off.


It doesn't mention it in that article, but some others I've read in the past couple of years have suggested using it for moving images, such as video, etc.


Now if that was possible, and they could achieve a high enough resolution at a high enough framerate...maybe it would be the ideal solution for a hi-res wraparound screen as light as a pair of sunglasses.


Wouldn't that make a nice gaming accessory? :D

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