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You *All* have stunted brains, its official..


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according to this you all have stunted brains.. and its scientific fact so don't even think about arguing about it..


What a load of bull[beep].


not content wif blaming fps with all forms of violent crimes, they are now saying they are destroying our brains.. even most games I like stimulate my brain e.g. they say games don't help with arithmetic, yet I play games like RTSs and TBS games (mainly the online types, like planetarion, droidarena etc) which requires lots of arithmetic..


Using the most sophisticated technology available, the level of brain activity was measured in hundreds of teenagers playing a Nintendo game and compared to the brain scans of other students doing a simple, repetitive arithmetical exercise. To the surprise of brain-mapping expert Professor Ryuta Kawashima and his team at Tohoku University in Japan, it was found that the computer game only stimulated activity in the parts of the brain associated with vision and movement.


Do they tell us the game? nope

If its some st00pid beatem up or mario, course it isn't going to help much more the reactions.. but thats hardly scientific evidence for all games stunting our brains!


In contrast, arithmetic stimulated brain activity in both the left and right hemispheres of the frontal lobe - the area of the brain most associated with learning, memory and emotion.


wow.. incredible news there.. doing works better for the brain then playing games.. ph33r


grr if they are trying to blame something for ruining mental arithmetic skills, look at calculators..



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Yeah I just read that article

its stupid really the article I posted only states the obvious (works better for your brain then games) and the science bits has been most probably blown out by the journalist, as I cant see any scientist drawing conclusions about all games from testing one game.

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i think that these people are easily led by their nose, while closing their eyes and ears, and now have been shown that games are bad, and have decided to campain against them now. it has happend to many things before: guns, rock music, raves (more people jumping on the anti-bandwagon everyday), and i could go on and on, these people are just bored, and need something to blame for problems....

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Using the most sophisticated technology available, the level of brain activity was measured in hundreds of teenagers playing a Nintendo game and compared to the brain scans of other students doing a simple, repetitive arithmetical exercise. To the surprise of brain-mapping expert Professor Ryuta Kawashima and his team at Tohoku University in Japan, it was found that the computer game only stimulated activity in the parts of the brain associated with vision and movement.

Console, please.Nintendo. Dont offend us comparing us with a 10 year old mario kart player

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Guest Kurgan



(*beats author of above article with club*)




(*throws rocks at "researchers"*)




(*eats article*)




(*tries to play game, ends up smashing computer with club*)

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personally i think its alot better than the general games are bad for your childs moral fibre line that was goin around a couple of weeks ago...at least they real reasons however they are wrong and right...their arguement is that kids dont get enough stimulation from games...fair point if you're playing street fighter which is soley for eye/hand coordination and faster reflexes...they of course forgot to mention games such as plantscape torment which tax the reasoning side of your brain which puzzles and objectives...but the end blame still lies with the parent...if your kid lacks stimulation get them to go out and do some sports or do homework...the reason why they played doom all the time is most likey they were left to their own devices all the time and that cant be good for any kid...

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