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anyone wanna play some JK?


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Guest ReAcToR

If you're interested in playing JK or MotS off of the Zone, try using mIRC - irc.enterthegame.com. There are alot of JK/MotSers there now and if you're on at a reasonable time, it's not difficult to get a game.


mIRC - http://www.mirc.com

ETG - http://www.enterthegame.com












There are a few others but those are the main channels.


If you're not satisfied with playing IP games over ETG, try using Gamespy Arcade, which is a mixture of Gamespy and mIRC.


Gamespy Arcade - http://www.gamespyarcade.come

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1. That fancy CPU and video card of yours will not affect latency at all in JK, since it is so old.


2. Having a T3 host a JK game wouldn't increase latency among players. JK uses peer-to-peer, meaning it individually sends info to each and every other person in the game. If a 56k user hosted a 6 player game, it would be hardly different than if a T3 user hosted a 6 player game.

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Originally posted by Emon1

1. That fancy CPU and video card of yours will not affect latency at all in JK, since it is so old.


2. Having a T3 host a JK game wouldn't increase latency among players. JK uses peer-to-peer, meaning it individually sends info to each and every other person in the game. If a 56k user hosted a 6 player game, it would be hardly different than if a T3 user hosted a 6 player game.


unfortunately thats not entirely true. a 56k modem humper with a 233 and a tnt card will get system lag. system lag = less updates.


the host of the game always updates the items, dont you remember back in the day running over health and having nothing happen? lag between you and the server :)


i wasnt trying to brag, just pointing out that i can host very good games.


just got out of one...and on the zone even i couldnt beleive it heh :). Man i miss the speed of JK, nothing is as fast its great. :fett:

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True, but that is still way more mechine then you need for an ancient game like JK. I played it on a 66 MHz non-intel 468 generation computer right before we got our first pentium @ 233 lol. And yes, JK is really that old. Min requirements are like P1 @ 90 and 16 or so megs or RAM ;)

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Originally posted by WD_ToRMeNt

True, but that is still way more mechine then you need for an ancient game like JK. I played it on a 66 MHz non-intel 468 generation computer right before we got our first pentium @ 233 lol. And yes, JK is really that old. Min requirements are like P1 @ 90 and 16 or so megs or RAM ;)


haha yeah my framerate was pegged at 120 last night. It didnt feel like my system was even working. first time in 3 years and i was doing really well IMO. :D

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Well that's true that a really slow CPU wouldn't have enough power for the game AND for hosting. But for JK, a simple Pentium II 233 is plenty power...you can even go to the menu so you video card doesn't have to work as much.


Btw, that system sounds like your primary system, but if it's not, it would make a GREAT dedicated JK2 server.

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Originally posted by WD_ToRMeNt

Only 120? If you have a good card and know the right teaks you can get much more then that. I pushed mine well over 300. Thing is though that your brain isn't gonna know the differance lol. Once you get 60+ FPS you can't see the individual frames.


120 is the max my monitor can refresh at 1024x768...i always use vsync cause it looks better and lets face it, if your monitor cant draw the frames then not only can you brain not see a difference between say....150 and 300 there is no way even if it could that you would see it unless the monitor could draw them taht fast :)


Btw, that system sounds like your primary system, but if it's not, it would make a GREAT dedicated JK2 server


yeah it is my primary...but AMD is coming into my work to pimp their gear to us (this is their 3rd trip in) they always bring goodies :) this time they said they would give us some durons hehe.


I plan on hosting a small maybe 8 player max dedicated hardcore saberist server on a duron. I have the bandwidth for more but im a bandwidth whore :) and truthfully my pings skyrocket when more than 50% of my line is being used.

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One more thing, having a slow comp in JK can be an advantage. If you have a fairly old comp and turn off 3D acceleration your FPS drops. Doing this is called teaking and will get you kicked out of any non-newbie tourney.


How could this possibly be an advantage? Well lets say you are playing NF Sabs. Not only are you lagging, but you computer may miss frames where a collision occures (i.e. you get hit). It's not quiet invulnerablity, but combined with a laggy/warping/pack dropping/tweeked connection and/or mouse warping makes for a tough match to anyone who doesn't pull all this gay crap.


This is one of the reasons that I have absolutely no respect for NF Saberists.

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Originally posted by WD_ToRMeNt

Just because your monitor can only refresh at 120 doesn't mean your other hardware can't go past that. Your comp will kick out X FPS and your screen with do an many as it can up to it's limit.


right i understand that...but if the monitor cant draw it it doesnt matter what the hardware can do. Plus with vsync disabled you get some tearing and such.


im really not hurting at 120fps either :):fett:

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1. Yes, we know it can increase your lag, drawing from CPU power. But you need a really really really ***bad PC with no 3-D acceleration for that... I mean like a Pentium 150 running in 640x480 no acceleration.


2. Yes, having vsync off is a bad thing, IMO. It causes screen tearing, and your monitor usually refreshes at a plenty fast enough FPS. It also irreguarly speeds up anims in some games, like POV anims in JK.

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Guest Tre Lightshadow

Jedi Knight? What's Jedi Knight? Ok, now on a more serious note, I have heard whispers in the dark that, once Jedi Knight 2 is released on the PC, Jedi Knight (I don't know if it is one or two) will be released on a new platform system, personally I think this will be cool. I will still play the computer ones, but sometimes it's cool to chill with some nerd friends and just play some split screen fragging, and now we won't have anymore of this wussy James Bond tuxedo stuff, we can nuke and saber each other for hours, then go home and nuke and saber each other for hours online. Oh joy! Ok what's the deal with my name? 12 posts! This ***, I didn't want to get all nerd, but I am missing like 60 hard-earned posts! When I check on my profile there are 2 Tre Lightshadows. I don't get that. One of them has the right number of posts and all my other info, but for some reason this is the one that gets used when I post, Ok, sorry to nerd for so long. Later, Jedi <nerd laugh>!!!

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