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Lightsaber combat

Toa Tahu

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Guest Sarcastic Saint

Well what you do is....you throw your lightsaber in to the sky (activated ofcourse) and then you try to catch it without using the force....if you succeed then the other guy has to try.... :angel:

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FOR !@#$'s sake, how many times do I have to explain this?!?!


:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Okay...who spattered this place with sarcasm, it's dripping all over me. ;)


Toa Tahu, Khan Aidan Hall answered your question. The truth is that no one currently knows the exact details of lightsaber moves that will be available in the game, but it is probably safe to assume that the 3rd person crosshair will enable you to aim at specific targets, such as an arm, leg or head of your opponent while duelling. ;)


If you are really new to the principles of Jedi Outcast, and Jedi Knight, might I suggest reading up on Jedi Knight, in addition to Jedi Outcast?

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Well, I would have more posts, but I had to re-register, since my account was messed up... been meaning to get that fixed. I've also explained it tons of times over at the Massassi forums (forums.massassi.net) where I have hundreds and hundreds of posts.

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OK,I screwed up.Sorry.I asked you guys the wrong question.What I meant to say,is,how are you supposed to attack,when you do what Khan Aidan Hall said?I mean,there's so many types of attack to be done with the lightsaber,like stab,slice,slash,etc.Sorry,everyone. :blushlaugh: :slsaber:

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Attacking with the lightsaber will probably be based on movement, as it was in Jedi Knight. You move forward and press your fire button and you get one swing, you move right and attack, you get another, and so on. It's straightforward and intuitive, so it's easy to pick up if you've not done it before.


The skill lies in judging where your opponent will strike, and aiming at that point to block...then finding an opening, aiming at that point and attacking.


I'm sure with lots of practice you'll get good at it, so don't worry about it. Again, I would recommend picking up a copy of Jedi Knight (while it's still on budget release) to practice with before Outcast arrives. ;)

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Attacking with the lightsaber will probably be based on movement, as it was in Jedi Knight. You move forward and press your fire button and you get one swing, you move right and attack, you get another, and so on. It's straightforward and intuitive, so it's easy to pick up if you've not done it before.


The skill lies in judging where your opponent will strike, and aiming at that point to block...then finding an opening, aiming at that point and attacking.


I'm sure with lots of practice you'll get good at it, so don't worry about it. Again, I would recommend picking up a copy of Jedi Knight (while it's still on budget release) to practice with before Outcast arrives. ;)



that may hurt you more than help you. JK netcode and Q3 netcode will make saber dueling feel completely different

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Yes, online play will be different...but I was talking in more general terms.


I get the impression Toa Tahu hasn't played a game like this before...or have you? :confused:


well yeah i suppose. but who cares about single player :) its jedi knight man.....single player will be good by default



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Originally posted by Millions o' Monkeys

of course online play will be different...we wont be getting pingas of 300 or above :)


mmmmm oc3 dedicated saber duels mmmmmm


i for one will host at least 2 server from work. as long as there is a linux dedicated server that is.




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Originally posted by Emon1

Well, I would have more posts, but I had to re-register, since my account was messed up... been meaning to get that fixed. I've also explained it tons of times over at the Massassi forums (forums.massassi.net) where I have hundreds and hundreds of posts.


As I said, I have been known to make mistakes from time to time. :D


I had the same trouble with my account... just let the admin know, they were very helpful with mine and got the problem fixed right away.


I should also have hundreds and hundreds of posts. Unfortunately, every time I rack up a decent post count on a particular forum, LEC cancel the game and I have to start all over again. :rolleyes:

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For those of you who don't know, there is a mod for Unreal Tournament called U4E, or Unreal 4 Ever.


This mod is absolutely amazing. I haven't played it in a while, so my buddy and I dug it out and fired it up. I forgot how incredible it is!:D


First of all, there are about 30-40 new weapons, plus the normal 10. That's right, 50 weapons! I can honestly say that all the new weapons are VERY different and legitimate Matches can get pretty hectic.


There are a bunch of melee weapons added, such as a pitchfork, saw, katana, and a Lightsaber thingy. Well it's not a lightsaber, but it's no doubt inspired by it. It even says the force is with you when you pick it up!:)


If the way the Lightsaber thing and the Katana work are in any way similar to the way the Saber in JK2 will work, you people who like to duel in First Person mode will not be disappointed. True, both of these weapons only have about 2 different swings, and they can't clash. However, the way it flows and controls is absolutely flawless. The lightsaber thing even deflects bullets back at people, and it works seamlessly.


I almost felt like I was playing JK2.....welll, maybe not.:D


If any of you out there have Unreal Tournament, and you have never tried this mod, do yourselves a favor and dont pass it up.


Some of the most fun Ive had in awhile playing a game.:D

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heh, actually, I strongly encourage anyone who hasn't done this to do it ASAP: DOWNLOAD THE E3 GAMEPLAY MOVIE FOR JK-OUTCAST. I'm sorry i had to scream, but there was no better way to show my feelings about this. It can be found here:



Not seeing this as a JK fan is like never seen any of the Star Wars Ep. II trailer as a Star Wars fan. So, GO DOWNLOAD IT NOW! If not already.

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I went to that site,and even to see a wallpaper it had to download!Anyway,Jedi Knight will not fail to deliver.I'm convinced that Jedi Knight 2 will be a great game.

But I still don't get how you can see more enemies with 3rd person,and how kyle can attack.

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Originally posted by SSH83

heh, actually, I strongly encourage anyone who hasn't done this to do it ASAP: DOWNLOAD THE E3 GAMEPLAY MOVIE FOR JK-OUTCAST. I'm sorry i had to scream, but there was no better way to show my feelings about this. It can be found here:



Not seeing this as a JK fan is like never seen any of the Star Wars Ep. II trailer as a Star Wars fan. So, GO DOWNLOAD IT NOW! If not already.


Thats old news, buddy... **cough** welcome to the boards ** cough** :rolleyes:

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