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Lord Of The Rings Rules.


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Originally posted by duder

You are cynical and narrow minded, you are entitled to your opinion but realise that it is ****. As for merchandising, its no worse than george lucas, so why not include him in your ramblings?


Relax man...I have this weird abstract thing i like to call an OPINION, and I just like to show ppl my opinion. If you don't like it, you can just say so, but there's no need in being offensive. I thought my post post made sense.

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Originally posted by El Pollo Diablo

Star Wars does have a lot of merchandise but that is only for the films and its at reasonable prices unlike Harry Potter.


Did you not see the painful phantommenace merchandise? there wasnothing reasonable about that!


Apaologies xxxxx i get a bit carried away, im at work and going nutz!!!

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so you are 16....i seriously doubt that many 10, 11, 12 ,13 year olds would think anything of the names....yet they love the books. You cannot deny they are imaginative and entertaining, to say they are not, and that Rowling isnt an imaginative writer is ridiculous, kids love these books with a passion, my friends younger sister is completely addicted to them and reads them over and over again. Maybe Rowling is paying homage to the greats, and her inspirations by using those names, names that older readers would pick up on. Stop being so cynical!

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LoTR looks like it will be agreat film but why do we have to all campare and argue over switch films/books are the best. I personally just think that you shouldn't compare the films LoTR, HP and others and just enjoy watching films. Do we really need to argue other stuff which will all ways be personal opion?

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Originally posted by duder

so that means that star wars is an unoriginal concept, the simpsons is an unoriginal concept....blah blah blah.


give scabb a break, who cares if he swears, he is right LORD OF THE RINGS IS THE ****ING BEST!

i dont care about the fact he swears (alone)

i care if he insults ppl and break the peace in the forums :)



By Deadmeat

hidden messages in a name? Please...

who knows? i mean Harry Potter may mean a fat, hairy and smelly craftsman :D


Originally posted by duder

Apaologies xxxxx i get a bit carried away, im at work and going nutz!!!

u get paid to surf in forums? dude, where do u work?! :D



and about the originallity, me n my sister have the same discussions. she says its original for the new generation of little kids, but i can name at least half a dozen movies like that, and some of them ARE for youngsters, like that sabrina which, or maybe that guy with the hair...




{smile of the day: GREEN POOP! :nova:} [APPLAUD]

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Originally posted by Guybrush122


Yes, you are entitled to your opinion. And I'm entitled to mine.


And mine is **** You


Isn't that lovely? Must you go around a forum that's not for LoTR and puke on something we love. Go to a LoTR forum or something. I just find it stupid to thrash something in a forum about that revolves around that something. It angers me. :mad:


This is not a Star Wars forum either - and this is the general discussion forum -

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Originally posted by Al-back from the BigWhoop




my diagnosis:

- he thinks maturity = physical age

- he thinks he knows MUCH more than he actually does

- he isnt very smart (for those that didnt get that last one)

- hes a quitter



(and yes, i AM a psychologist :p)











for the 1st part of my diagosis, when i read your posts i actually though u were a little kid. being 16 doesnt prove that u r mature, just that u are immature: a 16yo acting like a 5yo (like u said) :p


FYI, I am smart. SO SEZ MY MUM. No, seriously. Ask my geography teacher. The guy in my avatar.

FYI, I am mature when I wish to be mature.

FYI, I often have fun. Say what I feel. Y'know, general normal-ness


If you cant see that I was messin round then you are the one with the lack of intellect - (SEE I USED A BIG WORD)

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Originally posted by jesseg88

Guess what:


:atat:------ LOTR




Oh, and scabb's post has been reported to a moderator for the first word. (the "F" word)


Tell Tale Tit

Your tongue will split

And all the little ****y birds

Will laugh a little bit

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Originally posted by Natty

The spew smiley freaks me out :(


Anyone who reads Harry Potter is a tosser with no life, other than HelenW coz she's special and I luv her :D Especially if you're over 13 and have read Harry Potter... I guess that makes my bf a tosser with no life, still he deserves it, he hurt me on Saturday and woke me up on Monday coz I wasn't well (I'm still not well)


Im not arguing with you, but have you read Harry Potter? I only read it after my mother and brother had raved on about it, but if it is on the shelf, I suggest reading it. Even if it is a childrens book. They have actually made special "adult" versions too, so they won't be too embarassed.


You cant judge someone on the books they've read

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Originally posted by benjoyce

Somepone, to say, I _really_ liked all books on Ha4ry Potter, but I don't like all the hullabaloo with the T-shirts, mascots, or any other products, it disgusts me, very sure it disgusts me. The books are good I am waiting for the film it debutes is Dec 13th here in Hungary and there are no tickets up to February!! :o)



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Originally posted by El Pollo Diablo

Star Wars does have a lot of merchandise but that is only for the films and its at reasonable prices unlike Harry Potter.


Reasonable prices? I will not begin to argue. They make toys just as bad.


That is one of the reasons for my lack of love for Star Wars.

I have watched all 3 films, the first 2 (IV & V) being good films. The third (VI) was okay, although it seemed to be unoriginal in terms of plot, and was just IV with bells and whistles and revelations in my eyes. Then came I, and I was sorely disappointed, and the recent film looks....pathetic...

"Attack of the Clones" ?

No doubt I will see it before passing judgement, but ... "ATTACK OF THE CLONES"??


I think Star Wars are decent films, but are hyped up too much, and now George Lucas doesnt even need to make them good films anymore, because people will flock never-the-less.

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Originally posted by El Pollo Diablo

i agree with the names/hidden character traits thing:


I mean who didn't guess that LUPIN was french for Wolf. Did the POTters have a drug problem and was Voldemort a drug dealer who the POTters didn't pay or something (How is that for a name/character trait)


Harry Pothead and the Philosopher's Stoned.


I discovered a flaw in HP1 too.


Dumbledore & Flamel make Philosopher's Stone

Flamel can have eternal life!

Story says Flamel is 600+

BUT Dumbledore is normal-age, eg 50




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Originally posted by ED

LoTR looks like it will be agreat film but why do we have to all campare and argue over switch films/books are the best. I personally just think that you shouldn't compare the films LoTR, HP and others and just enjoy watching films. Do we really need to argue other stuff which will all ways be personal opion?


Yes. It's fun.

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