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*** Now talking in #xwa

-Lt_Cmdr_Rommie- Welcome to Here

*** Jenos|Work sets mode: +vv Habakuktibatong smudgerabbit

<Jenos|Work> you know I'm supposed to Ban you now Smudgerabbit :-p

<smudgerabbit> hehe

<smudgerabbit> y?

*** Dikatun has joined #xwa

*** Spyke has joined #xwa

<Jenos|Work> cause your duke

*** Jenos|Work sets mode: +vv Dikatun Spyke

* Spyke slaps smudgerabbit around a bit with a large trout

* Spyke slaps smudgerabbit around a bit with a large trout

* Spyke slaps smudgerabbit around a bit with a large trout

<Jenos|Work> thats enough Spyke :-p

<Spyke> hehehehe

<Jenos|Work> we're kind to our "enemies" as well as our allies

<smudgerabbit> lol

<Jenos|Work> remember no co'ords in the public chan!

*** Fantasie has joined #xwa

*** P sets mode: +v Fantasie

<smudgerabbit> hehe

<Fantasie> hey duke :-)

*** Jenos|Work changes topic to 'NO CO'ORDS in PUBLIC CHAN Stop Using PBOT in the Chan PM him instead, Your giving away Co'ords to none Alliance personel, and we already know who duke is'

<Fantasie> so how are u ?

<smudgerabbit> im wicked thanx

<Fantasie> what happened, i thought u were goin to attack us

<Jenos|Work> he will eventually

<Jenos|Work> I can imagine RHGC begin mad at us still after they defended him for most of Havoc :-p

<smudgerabbit> lol

<Jenos|Work> either that or we attacked the wrong guy which would be funny in and of it self

<smudgerabbit> lol!!!

<Fantasie> hahah

<smudgerabbit> wldnt suprise me if that happend!

<smudgerabbit> how many ships has the XWA got then in there home gal (22:25)

<Jenos|Work> no one answer that :-)

<smudgerabbit> lol

<smudgerabbit> 20k?

<Jenos|Work> :-p

<smudgerabbit> 40k?

<Fantasie> 1500000000000000000000000000000

<Fantasie> plus some kkkkks

<smudgerabbit> lol

<smudgerabbit> joka!

<smudgerabbit> :p

<Spyke> gayyyyyyyyy

*** Dikatun has quit IRC ((I was using $null) Wasted:(14 Minutes and 46 Seconds Online))

*** Spyke has quit IRC

<smudgerabbit> lol

<Fantasie> lol ??

<smudgerabbit> i dunno!

<Fantasie> i must of missed the punch line

<Fantasie> how did u get a voice?

<smudgerabbit> magic :)

<Fantasie> tell tell

*** broadyaras has joined #xwa

*** P sets mode: +v broadyaras

<smudgerabbit> i cant reveal my secret 2 ya fantasoe

<broadyaras> are friend is here

*** broadyaras is now known as broady

<Fantasie> who is your friend?

<broady> lol

<Fantasie> lol

<Fantasie> i got ya

<broady> :-P

* smudgerabbit is everyones friend!

<broady> we love u smudgerabbit!

<smudgerabbit> :)

* Fantasie loves DUKE ;)

<smudgerabbit> hehe

<broady> DUKE's so kewl

<broady> big fan of xwa

<smudgerabbit> i know

<smudgerabbit> i followed all ur work

*** broady is now known as broadyaras

<smudgerabbit> iv been on ur forums alot

<smudgerabbit> and i just love nute gunray!

<Fantasie> lol what a guy

<broadyaras> what a fan

<smudgerabbit> :)

<broadyaras> :)

<broadyaras> hes are man

<smudgerabbit> its all true :)

<Fantasie> hey want to send me some defense? ive got huge incomings...mostly spids are needed. 22 14 19

<Fantasie> thats me

<broadyaras> np

<smudgerabbit> lol

<broadyaras> ills end in just a tick

<smudgerabbit> hehe

<broadyaras> honest

<broadyaras> heh stupid meh..only Dukes stupid enough 2 fall 4 that

<smudgerabbit> hehe

<smudgerabbit> i hope ur not insulting me broady

* broadyaras <-------------- meeeeee

<smudgerabbit> lol

<broadyaras> how could i

<broadyaras> heh Duke knows meh name

<broadyaras> i feel so well its undescribable

<broadyaras> wheres warp?

<broadyaras> !seen warp

<smudgerabbit> hehe

<Fantasie> bah

<Fantasie> duke u is so funny

<broadyaras> lol




*****To Be Continued

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