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"IT"- The Segway Scooter

Obi Kwan

Will the Segway Scooter last???  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Will the Segway Scooter last???

    • Yup. This thing is the coolest!
    • Nope. These will be as hip as.... no it stinks

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I know there was a post on this a few days ago; but i cant seem to find it. I was just curious how you guys felt about this new invention, the Segway scooter. For those of you who have missed out on this news event, head to http://www.segway.com. Personally, I was dissapointed by "IT"; I guess I had my sights set on some kind of usable nuclear fusion reactor or something really revolutionary like that. Though I think its a cool product, I dont think it will revolutionize the world like Segway says it will.

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Originally posted by KordKelly

The Technology they use in it IS impressive....


It's just too bad they couldn't apply that tech to

something more than an overpriced scooter:rolleyes:



I didn't vote because my feelings are somewhere in-between :D


I mean, who in their right mind is gonna pay several grand for a (very)swish gyroscope with handlebars?? :rolleyes::confused::rolleyes:


Good invention, but i reckon the bloke that made it is mad if he thinks it will revolutionise the way we travel. :)


Good idea, crap application ......... a bit like M$ Windows... :D;)


Just my opinion :)



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Originally posted by KordKelly

The Technology they use in it IS impressive....


It's just too bad they couldn't apply that tech to

something more than an overpriced scooter:rolleyes:

Could not have said it better myself.

I voted yes because it is impressive pece of tech, but I hope that they use it for more stuff .....



:trooper: Morph

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I voted yes because as technology improves these scooters will go down in price...just like a computer game...as new ones come out, the older games get cheaper.


Its all a matter of time before they will be priced, so that the average person can afford one.



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The reason people are disappointed is because the media hyped this product nearly to death. People were expecting a personal transporter to Mars, or something near that.


I like this product, and while it's certainly expensive, I belive it can plow the road for other similar product using the same technology.

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Its very interesting to hear all of your responses... I have another question though. I was watching the news and they said something about how the next morning on their Morning show (like good morning america or something) they were going to show off some air boards....I took a double take but they went to commercial. Anyone ever hear of these things? I think they would be much more interesting than the scooter!:D

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When I saw what IT was, I just rolled my eyes. Hype never fails to disappoint.


The next thing that sprung into my mind was all of those old cartoons with robots rolling around on one wheel. I guess that'll be possible now... :rolleyes:


I suppose it will have some usefulness, but I can't see everyone suddenly going out and buying one. (You watch...I'll be eating my words in 20 years ;) ).


Now, something that would really revolutionise the world is finding a way to stop these damned big rocks from falling on our heads and wiping out 90 per cent of all species. If someone can do that...I'll be impressed. :D j/k

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