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Different Versions!!????


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Hi Pals......


I just asked me, if there will be different Versions of JKO for Europa....?


Ya know, in Europa many games bekome "Converted" to the rights and Laws of Europa.


That mean, the local Publisher changes some of the contend of the games they publish in EU.


Here are some games Zensored...the best example is Quake 2 or the New'er RTCW...the game wont match the US Ver. They cut some elements out of the game and some Gore animation.

For example.


By the way...JK1 was only aviable for people with 18 years and abowe... (in Germany)....


I just ask....

...ya have to know, they let the Half Life Military become Robots....for example.....(they freeze and vanish if you shoot them) :)


They belive those kind of game will make us shooting at other people in real L.


Please post.....





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Guest Sarcastic Saint

Well you could always come and pick-up a version here in Holland...but i dont think that there will be a problem with JK2 in Germany....i mean it's not exactly a "bloody" game...

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Originally posted by Myxale

"...ya have to know, they let the Half Life Military become Robots....for example.....(they freeze and vanish if you shoot them) :)..."


not being able to play Half-Life like it should have been played must have been upsetting...i know i would be upset

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In UK it had red blood liek the americans (i thkn) mainly pixels when u chopped off their arms but u didn't miss much of the unspectacular arm cutting.

I would find not being able to get half life EXTREMELY annoying.

What about avp2.. even tohguh they already have green blood.

I jsut got that game scary **** the marine missions are.

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Well i see JKO will stay as far as possible untouched..by the Versions...


I only hope they let the Localization be the orginal one...


The German ver. oj JK1 were left in English...including subtitle..



;) ..i hope they wont change this...!!


C Ya :amidala:

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Games are submitted to the ESRB in the U.S. for voluntary ratings like Everyone, Teen and Mature. European countries have a similar, but mandatory rating system (or ratings board) that applies standards to games to rate them accordingly.


I can tell you that Jedi Knight 2 hasn't been submitted yet to the ESRB or any other ratings committee. Until it is submitted and reviewed, there's no way of determining whether or not the game will have to be altered to be sold in certain European territories (namely Germany).


I know this seems like a cop-out answer, but to make a long story short: "This hasn't been determined yet. It will be determined in the coming months."




Kenn Hoekstra

Raven Software

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