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Multiplayer Maps

Lion Heart

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Sorry if this has been asked before, but what kind of muliplayer maps would you want to see in the game?



I personally would like to see the hanger/power generator place where Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon and Darth Maul fought. I've seen many user-made attemps of this on JK1 but it wasn't eiter accuate or realistic.

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I'd like to see a nice mix of small, medium, and large levels. A collection of NEW levels based on the ones in the SP game, as well as familiar SW locales (from the movies and EU).


I would love to see more multiplayer mods like the "Capture/Protect The Queen" mod that was proposed from Obi-Wan PC, and maybe an "assault" (like in UT) type of mod.


Those would rock, plus mutators. ; )


CTF is great, and DM and team DM are expected, but there's so much more I hope they do with MP out of the box (or in the first patches).



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Originally posted by Kurgan

"...love to see more multiplayer mods like the "Capture/Protect The Queen" mod that was proposed from Obi-Wan PC..."


I would like to see the same thing, but many more something like "protect the R2 unit". You could say that the R2 unit hold valuavle information to one of the sides. You must either escote the R2 unit to the evac zone or destory it depending on which side your on.

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Guest Tre Lightshadow

We need atleast one Nar Shadda level, they just need to make it right, not like that crappy excuse for a Nar Shadda DM in Jedi Knight, there was no verticalness (???) in the whole level, it was just like a warehouse.

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Originally posted by Tre Lightshadow

We need atleast one Nar Shadda level, they just need to make it right, not like that crappy excuse for a Nar Shadda DM in Jedi Knight, there was no verticalness (???) in the whole level, it was just like a warehouse.


The vertical city was not vertical at all in JK DM


More than maps, I want playing modes, because Im almost sure there will be tons of great maps out of the box and also made by the community (modes probably too, If the game is easy editable, but I want good mp modes out of the box or in the first patches as Kurgan said)

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I could really go for a Coruscant level along with a Nar Shaddaa level. For the Coruscant one, I would feature the lower levels where the scum and outlaws hang out and then some club type areas around there. Mid section could contain shopping areas. Then towards the top, office building types of arrangement, kindof like the PSX Phantom Menace Coruscant level, having features like that but more detailed.


The Nar Shaddaa one should be more of an industrial type of level with shipping ports and with Cantinas, few shopping places unless they're arms dealers.

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Originally posted by Nikkos Tyris

I could really go for a Coruscant level along with a Nar Shaddaa level. For the Coruscant one, I would feature the lower levels where the scum and outlaws hang out and then some club type areas around there. Mid section could contain shopping areas. Then towards the top, office building types of arrangement, kindof like the PSX Phantom Menace Coruscant level, having features like that but more detailed.


The Nar Shaddaa one should be more of an industrial type of level with shipping ports and with Cantinas, few shopping places unless they're arms dealers.


Welcome to the forums Nikkos Tyris


Hey we are talking about multiplayer maps here ;)

Those ideas sound good, but for 64 players servers

Now that I think of it

In some preview or in the FAQ does it say something about number of players?

I hope that there is support for at least 20 players, the engine netcode is very good and we all know It can support lots of players, Iv played UT with 32 players, and Its really fun (altough It can get a bit unplayable sometimes)

playing some assault like games or multi CTFs with lots of Jedis and gunners around would be amazing

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Guest [eVe]DeathBoLT

as far as MP DM goes, I'd like some NEW open maps sort of like Canyon Oasis was, semi-open( Nar Shaddaa Loading Terminal), and closed like Blades of Death was.


It might be neat to see BGJ and CO remade, but not at the expense of new maps requiring new strategies...


when making ff maps, bgj had many curves that could be used as ramps for MANY many jumps using force speed and force jump. lets see another map that leaves room for many many years of discovering new leaps, etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jabba's Sail Barge and Desert Skiff(with extendable gangplank) hovering on the edge of Great Pit of Carkoon; Sarlacc eats everyone who drops down to the pit. That would be quite small MP map(perhaps it could also include small desert area around the pit), but it would just make fights much more intense. You could also use Sail Barges' heavy blaster cannon or numerous antipersonal blasters againts other players and run through its three decks(consisting rooms like banquet hall, Jabba's personal chambers, the kitchen, a fully stocked pantry and bottom deck with engine/steering systems). Might be awesome map for duels! :lsduel:

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I'd like to see some level conversions from the previous games. Must haves are the cloud city areas from Mots and the Large Nar Shadaa CTF map (well maybe without the pools).


Besides those, I'd like to see the final area from episode one. The Generator area with the catwalks and that hall with the force field. I'd also like to see a hoth level, a level similar but larger than that tower level with teh landing platfroms from jk (the one where you fought Maw). A level on coruscant would be nice, and maybe a level in the Kessel Mines. Finally A large city level would be nice as well.

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Well, I would actually like to see some large 32- or 64-player maps included. Not many, but a couple would be nice.


I'd love to see some conversions of some golden oldies, but not at the expense of a decent number of totally new maps, at least some of which I reckon should be based on the SP levels (as, I think, someone has already mentioned).


I'm sure Raven will do us proud in this department, and it would be nice to see some patches or map packs released after the game hits the shelves like id did with Team Arena.

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jedi hunt:


1 player be jedi, everyone else storm troopers. Storm troopers all get to carry nothing but ST rifles, jedi gets to use light saber and force power. Let the pursuit began. Kill the jedi, score a point, while jedi trying to escape from death star/imperial base/whatever.

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That would be a great multiplayer mode!


Other levels I'd like to see:


Assault Mode (Rebs vs Imps):

- Battle of Hoth (a generator to protect for Rebs and an AT-AT for Imps)

- Battle of Endor (again a generator to protect for Imps and a shuttle from where Rebs come; maybe too difficult because of a lot of trees)


DM Mode:

- Mos Eisley Cantina & Docking Bay 94

- Jabba's Palace

- The already mentioned Sarlacc Pit

- A new Cloud City Carbonite Room

- A new Death Star II Throne Room



CTF Mode (or, better, CTV - capture the VIP; Rebs vs Imps)

- Death Star Detention Centre (Rebs try to capture the Princess and Imps an R2 unit; they move quite slow and nobody, Rebs or Imps, should shot them)


Many original levels...

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