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RAM == cheap


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The price of RAM has gone down dramatically! You may remember about a year back, there was an earthquake in China that forced some factories out of business...well the market for memory has rebounded. I just went out and bought another 512 megabytes for $70! After the quake, that $70 would have only gotten you 64 megs. Go buy some!

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Careful, low prices aren't as good as you might think.


Especially when it comes to Ram chips, a majority of the DRAMurai have stopped binning any of their chips in order to get volume out the door.


While there shouldn't be a problem with running them at 100Mhz(standard for lower generation P3's, and first generation Athlons) anything higher with a faster CAS latency could prove problematic.


BTW, DDR SDRAM is rising in price due to the lack of supply in contrast to demand, especially with Intel going the DDR route with their new i845 chipset.(Well not exactly new, but it's newly released.)

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