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Time man of the year


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Those ass holes at time are CONSIDERING to put bin ****head on the cover as man of the year!


What the **** is that **** all about man! What the ****!


I don't care if the title means Most News Maker...**** that ****! It only further makes those [slightly racest] think that he is a ****ing god for being on the mother ****ing cover! What the ****! NOw we will never be able to set the ****ing recorod straight if he is on the mother ****ing cover to those easter assholes!

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Mindless and thoughtless cursing aside...


Time's "Man of the Year" has always been about a man that has shaped world events. Osama bin Laden fits this role, doesn't he?


Well, maybe not. The U.S. has a lot to blame this man for, but so far, the WTC bombing is not one of them. According to the first paragraph of Ashcroft's report of bin Laden, (paraphrase) This report of evidence will not stand up in court. This is why Bush is so eager to try this case in military-tribunal, rather than a court of law (out of the public eye). The evidence against them is only circumstantial.


So far, we have not been given direct evidence that Osama, or the Taliban, are responsible for the WTC attack. They are merely a convenient scape-goat.


But, regardless of whether or not bin Laden is reponsible...the hatred of him HAS shaped world events this year. It's an appropriate choice.

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Cursing-not mindless, but helpful

Easterners-a quick type, a quick generalization, my apoligies

Osama Bin La****-Not Man of the Year


I really think this ****er should not be allowed to be man of the year, and I regret Hitler and all those other assholes ever were. I mean, yea they are "BIG" news makers, but Jesus to even reguard their importance is complete nonsense reguardless of the "context" bull****.


Well, maybe not. The U.S. has a lot to blame this man for, but so far, the WTC bombing is not one of them. According to the first paragraph of Ashcroft's report of bin Laden, (paraphrase) This report of evidence will not stand up in court. This is why Bush is so eager to try this case in military-tribunal, rather than a court of law (out of the public eye). The evidence against them is only circumstantial.

-Whoever the hell posted this.

hey Genius didn't you see the news today, confirmed evidence on video.


Dude computers and EARTh have been chosen...**** man choose the ****ing sun or something or Mars....who gives a crap just not him for crying out loud he's not even HUMAN! ITS A MAD HOUSE! A MAD HOUSE!!!!!!!

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Wasn't good ol' Einstein man of the century, and not the homo-mofo Hitler? (Maybe that was from a different source though, like Time.)


Anyways, the safe route would be to put Bush as the man of the year, but Osama could possibly be more deserving. It just depends on what they're looking for. If it's impact, I think we know who it should go to (even if it's for a terrible reason). However, when I think of "man of the year", I think of it as an honorable and respectful position and not a popularity contest, so Osama wouldn't get my vote. Hmm...



(Oh! The Segway inventor! :p)



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Originally posted by Mafia_Jabba

Dude computers and EARTh have been chosen...**** man choose the ****ing sun or something or Mars....who gives a crap just not him for crying out loud he's not even HUMAN! ITS A MAD HOUSE! A MAD HOUSE!!!!!!!

Ahem....while you are a shining example of humanity, I suppose. Please, calm down...you'll give yourself a stroke with all that blind hatred.


No, I didn't see the news until just now. The segment I saw said, "The decision to release this video-evidence to the public has not been made, yet." I'll need a little confirmation from another source than CNN, before I'll believe its validity, but I'll happilly retract my earlier critism, if its true.

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Everyone...SETTLE DOWN!


Why worry so much...everyone knows that Bin Laden is going to die anyways...even he knows it.


Besides...its just some stupid magazine. No need to get all worked up over it.


I know it is wrong what he did, but justice will be done.


If Bin Laden read this, he would be happy! Any publicity is good publicity. He hates Americans, Australians, etc. but look at us! All our hate and evil is going to him...it is exactly what he wants!


Dont you think it is just the same what we are doing to the whole of Afghanistan...we have caused more death that they have caused from the destruction of the WTC. Maybe not now, but people will start dying from famine, disease, etc.


It is wrong what he did, but he did what he believed in. Just beacuse he went against what we believe in, religions believe in the right to our own beliefs.


These are my views, so dont get too angry!



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what the ****...you say its ok because he believe in it..thats ****ing bull**** dude...


Murder is WRONG! Period OK! No Belief crap or I believe this so its ok FOR ME to do it..you are full of crap man. I dont know WHERE the hell you got that idea from but just because he thought it was right doesn't make it OK!


3000 Americans dead, 3000 People DEAD! 3000 Innocent people dead who did nothing to him!


So its OK that he did it because he believed in it. Go throw yourself off a bridge if you think this! ITS WRONG FOR ALL HUMANITY. I DONT CARE WHAT RELIGION, IT IS WRONG!


3000 People dead, mabe more WILL die in Afghanistan, mabe we will kill more than they did to us. But will it be for the betterment of society in General.


Japan was destroyed in World War II and we helped their economy get back on track and look at them NOW!

Who says we can not do the same for Afghanistan. We give them millions and millions and will continue such and perhaps now MORE since they have a deserving government.


If you want to argue, lets go, but if you are going to be totally consumed by these liberal ideas of "i blieve it so its ok" is bull****!

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Japan always had a good infrastructure, Afghanistan has always been a barren place. Nothing good will ever happen to it, its potless, it doesn't rain, it gets vert very cold (as the USSR found out.)


It has always been run by tribes and it will continue to be run by warlords no matter how much the US and UK try to change it. You have to understand that.


Also, Jabba, it wasn't only US citizens involved...





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Originally posted by matt-windu

It seems we have a political debate going on. ....

I don't believe that Mafia_Jabba is capable of debate...at least in a critical way. He says he doesn't advocate murder...but he told kubamadon to throw himself off a bridge. So, he DOES advocate suicide instead of accepting another's opinion. Poor lad. Methinks his emotional state has blinded him to the living-force. However, I have hopes that he will grow up someday.


For my part, I will now retract what I said about Ashcroft lacking evidence. It seems (assuming our government isn't lying to us, again) that there is evidence in that video, suggesting that bin Laden masterminded the WTC attack. It isn't conclusive...but it's pretty damning. So I will take it back....for now.

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You guys don't understand something.

Murder, pointless killing of people is wrong. He should throw himself off a bridge was a statement meaning, his views are pointless and wrong and I don't care what he does. Laden should be shot, yes. However, even though this is wrong from a religious point of view, is it wrong from a political point of view. Would killing this man better society? Would that murder be justified, ask yourself that question. I advocate, in a political sense which I was in at the time, kiling him for the betterment of society. However, my religion supercedes my politics, so NO he should not be killed. He us unreconcilable, I am afraid. He will committ suicide most likely, that or life in prison. I doubt he will be killed.




-Take a history calls wardz and learn something. Commercilization doesn't require agriculture and Japan was greatly helped after we ahnnialated their economical infastrucutre.


England was ruled for god knows how long by monarchy. Now look. Don't allow history to engrave the future perminantly. Change is inevitable.

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If there isn't a point to this thread besides random flames, and ranting and raving(in a vulgar tone to boot), I'd be happy to close it.


Is there a point besides cussing people off, or flaming a magazine due to their choice as the most influental political figure of the year(which is undoubtedly Osama Bin Laden. Anyone who doesn't think so is about as naive as Neville Chamberlain was in the late 1930's...Do we really need another World War before we see that there are indeed people who greatly influence things without being necessarily good?)


In anycase, telling people to jump off bridges for having a differing opinion certainly isn't justified.


Certainly not if you claim to be above the evil you supposedly resent.


As such I'm closing this thread.


If anyone would like to discuss this subject civilly, I suggest you open a new one.

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If everone can continue discussing this topic in a civilized manner, without name-calling or flaming, then we'll give you a second chance here to have an intelligent debate. But if the discussion even begins to head toward personal attacks, then the thread will be closed again.


Again, heated and passionate debate is welcome and encouraged. But personally attacking those you are debating is unacceptable. Fight for your position with information and facts, not by hurling insults, as doing so merely shows that your position is indefensible.



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I think one of the differeneces between Hitler or Stalin being the man of the year and BinLaden recieving the title is that these other leaders admitted to what they had done; where as Bin Laden denies (truthfully or not) that he was responsible. If he doesnt own up to it, maybe he SHOULDNT recieve the title; though i do think he will end up being the most influential man of 2001.

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