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Ranting about football..


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Well the final BCS ratings were released today and this is my reaction: WHY THE HELL IS NEBRASKA NUMBER 2? To be more specific:


The Three Finalists for the Number 2 spot were Nebraska, Oregon and Colorado


Nebraska: 11-1

Oregon: 11-1

Colorado: 9-2 (Had a canceled game due to Sept 11)


Now Nebraska's one loss came to Colorado, and it was a blowout loss (63-24 I think it was)..


Oregon's one loss was to Stanford (Who are in the BCS Top 10) by ONE FRIGGEN POINT! Now any idiot should be able to figure that out..


That is my yearly College Football Rant (Last Years Rant: HOW THE HELL DID NOTRE DAME GET INTO THE FIESTA BOWL????)

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Nebraska is overrated every time... Sure they beat Northwestern in the Alamo bowl last year, but this is Northwestern we are talking about.


I'll never forget when my beloved Arizona Wildcats kicked the crap out of Eric Crouch and Nebraska in the Holiday bowl.. Ahh 3 straight 5-6 sesasonsafter that.,...

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You are right that Nebraska had a tougher schedule, but according to the BCS boys, COLORADO had the toughest schedule (Don't ask why)


And are you saying the Pac 10 is weak? Don't forget teams like Stanford, Washington, and Washington State, all were in the run this year

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Eric Crouch shouldn't have even gotten the Heisman. If Florida hadn't lost to Tennessee then Grossman would have taken it home, and i still think he should have anyways.


Reasons Crouch got Hiesman

#1- Eric Crouch- Has rushed for nearly as many yards as he passed. This year he had a record passing percentage for him. He was on fire all year long.


#2- Grossman- HE IS A SOPHMORE!!! The guy has several more years to get the Hiesman...


#3- Dorsey- HE IS A JUNIOR!!! He has another year to add up his stats...


#4- How many people would stay in college once they got the Hiesman???

Not Anyone with half a BRAIN!!!


#5- Are they going to risk injury and possible negation for next years draft by injury or other cercumstances??? NO...


Anyone who wins the Hiesman is going to go out for the Draft and get rich...


Then they can risk injury, etc...For millions of Dollars...and after a long career, retire and live a relaxed life as a Millionair...




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